I'm so sad, a friend died


Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2019
Florida Man
I'm not the type of person that has a lot of friends, if I have two at the same time its pretty rare. I know a lot of people but that doesn't mean they are my friends. Well my friend who lived in California passed away today, I don't know what caused it yet. I had talked to her a little while ago, about some stuff that was going on at the lake.

Jodi would fly to Maine to live at their house on the lake during the summer. Her husband would come for a week or two. Jodi loved to go out on my pontoon boat for hours listening to music, and talking about everything. Summer won't ever be the same.

My other friend passed away three years ago to F N Cancer, he was doing ok we thought. I go to AZ for three weeks get home call him up no voice mail, no answering machine on his landline, he passed away on the day I flew home. Now I have zero friends, not whining (Ok maybe a little) just sad right now.
I’m very sorry for your loss. It’s never easy to lose a friend. I lost my best friend last year to cancer. It was sudden, 29 days from diagnosis to death.

I never recovered from it. I’m like you, I have no friends that are close.

I doubt I’ll ever get over it. I was able to speak about a few days ago to my neighbors parents who live in Montana and were visiting. They met and knew him.

It was the first time I spoke about him without losing it.

So I share this letting you know it’s difficult and the pain will last. But it’s getting a “little” easier as time moves on.

You are welcome to PM me and Id be happy to talk with you on the phone, text or PM. I’m not a bad listener if you need to vent.
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It's hard to loose someone close, and I'm sorry for your loss.

But think about it this way, as long as you hold the memory of that person in your heart, they're never truly gone. And as long as you keep their memory alive, they'll be with you always.

So here's to you holding on to those precious memories for a lifetime!
Jodi's husband Roy wrote me today saying how much fun Jodi had this summer at the lake. He said she had to know something was wrong because she was more upset about leaving the lake then she had ever been.

I had told him I thought it was strange that she called me to say she was going to send me something, it never happened.

I went up to the lake to talk to Jodi's other friend at the lake today before I heard from Roy. I said do you know what happened to Jodi? I felt bad when she said oh what did she do?

I told her, she said my husband is going to be devastated. They live on the other side of the cove, she said everytime you came into the cove to pick her up my husband would laugh. He would say I bet everyone on the lake can hear her say You Hoo. Plus you would play achy breaky heart just to give her a hard time.

She told me that Jodi had called them about sending something, but never got anything.

Roy didn't tell me what the cause of death was, I didn't want to upset him anymore than he already is.

I want to thank you guys for letting me ramble on. We all have lost people we cared about along the way it doesn't get any easier.
Sorry for your loss. Hug your friends bro, life is so short. None of know how many tomorrows we have left. The older I get the more aware of that I have become.

You have my sympathy. I know its tough to lose someone.
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sorry man, take it easy and remember that they wouldn't want you Moping around about them forever. Thats not to say don't grieve, you should, and we don't mind listening. But Keep in mind that you still have a life left to live and enjoy, might a suggest a drive in the jeep, those always seem to make me smile.
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Jodi's husband Roy wrote me today saying how much fun Jodi had this summer at the lake. He said she had to know something was wrong because she was more upset about leaving the lake then she had ever been.

I had told him I thought it was strange that she called me to say she was going to send me something, it never happened.

I went up to the lake to talk to Jodi's other friend at the lake today before I heard from Roy. I said do you know what happened to Jodi? I felt bad when she said oh what did she do?

I told her, she said my husband is going to be devastated. They live on the other side of the cove, she said everytime you came into the cove to pick her up my husband would laugh. He would say I bet everyone on the lake can hear her say You Hoo. Plus you would play achy breaky heart just to give her a hard time.

She told me that Jodi had called them about sending something, but never got anything.

Roy didn't tell me what the cause of death was, I didn't want to upset him anymore than he already is.

I want to thank you guys for letting me ramble on. We all have lost people we cared about along the way it doesn't get any easier.

Honor her memory. Name your boat after her. 😎 She would love that! I sold my boat. I crawled inward. I stopped fishing.

I lost it.

I’m not saying Rick was the only thing I was dealing with. By far, not even a percentage. But it was the straw. It hurt me to the core.

I gave up my career. I was done not because of him but because I was done. I was on the brink so many times and have not shared that with many or really, any people.

Just hold your head up buddy.