Jeep wave

I came here to specifically look this up. I just got a TJ and I've had one wave and someone else yell "Jeep Jeep" at me (I was at the beach, it was high pitched, it was weird lol). But here (coast of NC) every 5th vehicle I see is a wrangler. My arm would fall off if I waved at all of them. However, I will now be prepared to wave back. I missed the opportunity with the guy that waved at me....but I knew it must be a jeep thing because it's been a few years (read decades) since random men have waved at, whistled at, or yelled random remarks at me ;)
Yes to the o p, if you wave and they close the blinds and call the cops, they think you're a perv.

A lot of those girls are driving their boyfriends or husbands Jeep so waving to some other guy while in it is little bit like cussing in church to them.

Most of the time when you get a true Jeep wave, it's because they love jeeps and they noticed yours, those will be the ones that wave at you first.

right now you've literally got millions of people that never had Jeeps before so they are all trying to figure it out.

For every girl driving a jeep that doesn't wave at you... There is some female in a car looking at that thing going man I bet that is fun, I wish I had one or I wish I had him to take me for a ride in that. People want to live a little.

Believe me ....girls love Jeeps.
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What's funny for me is before I got a Jeep I don't even know about the Jeep wave. At first I would politely wave back only because I assume some of these people knew me from my job and then it clicked that they were only Jeep drivers doing the wave.
I see it fairly often in New York
I routinely don't see it with 4 door Jeeps and women.
I wave to everyone who has a Jeep nonetheless because As long as they are driving one I still consider them part of the Jeep community, even if they don't get it yet.
Gotta add the jeep wave sticker to get 100% compliance
I disagree , that's solicitation , or passive waiving .

The TJ Wrangler Forum Guidebook, page 73, Section 3, Jeep Wave Guidelines, line 4 clearly says only authentic , left hand out the window or right hand on the wheel "peace sign" type waves are deemed admissable for points .

Then it goes on to say...

" Furthermore a sticker of a wave will count as a wave as much as a sticker of a Jeep will count as having a Jeep. "

This guideline was instituted in 2007 when the JK began its massive sales popularity and we began to see wholesale compromise of Jeep wave standards.

Also, Dr. Seymore Butts, the forum staff psychologist, feels that the red hand evokes bad memories for most TJ owners , as they have often been caught "red handed" at something.
I'm a Jeep gal and I always wave. I don't always wave first anymore to the JK's as they generally never wave back, but I always wave to all of the real jeeps I do find that people are more likely to wave on the weekends around here. I'm just south of Houston. I sometimes wonder if the guys I wave to that don't wave back just don't wave to gals. I'm a Texas Aggie so I like to keep comraderie and traditions alive and well! Keep the wave alive!

Only cool Jeep gals wave back. Almost every guy I see in a TJ waves back. I can almost tell now who will wave and who won't.
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