Just Crashed My TJ.


New Member
Dec 28, 2016
Miami, FL, United States
Alright so to start off I don't know much about jeeps or even cars. I was involved in a driving accident and I know my jeep was damaged. What can I do about the paint job? I just don't know what specifically is wrong. Please help me, thank you

How exactly did the crash play out? That's very important for us to know.

The fender flare can be taken off, stripped by a paint shop, and repainted to match your Jeep. And they can probably touch up the paint between your fender flare and your body.

Your tie rod is bent, but it doesn't look like anything else was damaged in the pictures.

Replacement tie rods are cheap, however you can get a Jeep ZJ tie rod for the same price, which is stouter than the TJ tie rod, you just would have to buy the matching ball joint and knuckle to install with it.

Check this out: http://www.stu-offroad.com/steering/zjtie/tierod-1.htm

Don't worry, I had my front axle and tie rod bent from a collision with a fire hydrant. And my Jeep came out of it just fine!
Doesn't look very bad. Looks like you need a new tie rod / drag link (perfect time to upgrade the steering and go with the Crown HD steering kit which includes the beefier ZJ tie rod) and a repaint of the fender flare.

I'm just going off what I can see in the photos, but you'll definitely need a new tie rod (and likely drag link), so I'd order that Crown HD kit which will address both of those issues.
It would help if you could provide some photos that show the whole Jeep from a ways back. Closeups don't tell the whole story.
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It looks to me like you hit on the drivers side cause the fender flare to crackle all the paint, flare is plastic it returned the shape. When you hit it had enough force to bend the tie-rod. As the picture doesn't SHOW anything else, I would manually check your wheel and tire for chips/gouges/ bulging(tire), I would also have the alignment checked (after repairs) lastly I would remove the wheel and pull the left front unit bearing (three bolts) and pull the axle to be safe. Get a new steering stabilizer. Again that's what i would do for piece of mind. Glad you were ok.