Meanwhile in Pittsburgh (Might need a bigger lift to drive the streets here)


TJ Enthusiast
Feb 3, 2018
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
No one was hurt, so people are having a good time posting some fun stuff with our nice sinkhole. It isn't a small one. lol


Hahahaha! Nice work. One of the reasons I bought my Jeeps is because of how bad the streets become in these damn midwest Winters!

On a Pittsburg related wife and I just recently watched Jack Reacher for the first time. Not sure why it took us so long! I had forgotten it was based in Pittsburgh, but when it started, I quickly remembered my long time buddy and colleague at work was in downtown Pittsburgh working for one of our clients when JR was being filmed. When he told me that week on the phone after it happened, we had no idea what it's name was. When we started watching the movie, I finally put 2 + 2 together, 7 years later and had to pause the movie to tell my wife. Anyhow, my buddy had no idea what was going on when he came out of his hotel one morning. They made him wait on the sidewalk and he couldn't cross the street while they were moving some stuff around on the set. As he tried to figure out what was going on, he suddenly realised Tom Cruise and Robert Duvall were standing about 10 feet away from him, LOL. Anyhow, I didn't see any sinkholes in the film!