New Carbon Fiber Highline Hood Available

Unofficial Use Only has some cool builds. Nice to see another option but a pricy upgrade compared to the fiberglass options available.
I'd rather have a plain Jane version like they offer for the jk:
I would have to see it 100% body matched to be able to tell if I like it.
Would be cool to see a normal TJ hood offered too. Carbon factory clone hood on top of some Savvy aluminium parts should would shave some major weight.

I agree. I'm still a big fan of the AEV Highline kit with the hood. If they still made them, I would no doubt have one by now.
Doesn't look like you would be able to lay your windshield down anymore. Don't see a place for the rubber bumpers. Even if you could, wonder how it would handle the weight.

I was also wondering how it would act in a front end crash. Would it crumple or would you have a hood messing up the tub cowl? I'd much rather replace a hood than the tub.