Pics of rims on white TJs


That dog in your first pic looks like it doesn't take any shit lol

Yeah they look great - adds just a little color to the whole scheme and offsets the white. Top looks good too, is that a coffee color? Looks darker than my tan top
It's a 2000 model with the factory top. Might look darker since it was a cloudy day and being under the carport.
I'm always up for getting talked into cool shit! What kind of extra MX are we talking about and how much extra$$$ for beadlocks? I'm planning on a super35 kit here in the near future so it might not hurt?

The additional maintenance isn't really a lot but some people don't seem to like to do it. Every 30 days you need to check the torque on the bolts holding the beadlock ring onto the rim. Now depending on the brand and style of the deadlock you could be talking about 32 bolts per wheel. Also you need to monitor your tire pressure on a regular interval so that if you do start losing air pressure you can catch it.

Cost depends on if you want aluminum or steel. You can get beadlocks for about $200 per wheel all the way up to over $500 per wheel.