Powerline / fire roads

out exploring, ran into the address, driveway marker...

Down here in Alabama we have fire roads that forestry agents graciously let us ride. Off of these main trails though like 600-2 and 600-1 are many private roads you need to be knowledgable to not ride on.
600-2 in Talladega is a good time when it's wet.

That's the trail I take new jeepers on to break em in.
This is a Bonneville power line main feed to the coast all the way to Forks WA The highway on the left is HWY 8 from the coast, Grays Harbor area to Olympia WA. Access is limited to public land for all of it's many miles. This area is DNR land and open to the public with an annual permit (not needed for road travel only). The feeder power lines to communities and cities from their distribution points for the most part are on private land and gated, but the roads are also open on most public land. When I was doing perimeter security and high end remote control digital video security systems with a few of the area PUD'S I was able to got to the sub stations and communication centers in closed areas. What has happened here is the vandalism at the substation areas is so bad a lot of trails & roads are now closed and the law suits from idiots stealing copper (yes our courts award millions for wrongful deaths when a fool breaks into a station and gets fried) that the liability is too high anymore to allow access.

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