Questions about winterizing my 2005 Unlimited


Sep 4, 2018
Cape Cod
Recently bought an 05 Unlimited here on cape cod. Have the soft + hard tops
I don't have a garage. Was thinking about buying a tarp like cover for it so that I can leave the tops off at night and put the cover over the whole Jeep. Saw one on Amazon with good ratings for $200
Good idea? Any thoughts on what cover to buy or where to buy one?
Also, plan on putting the Jeep away in a friend's garage from late December to early April
Should I use a battery tender or disconnect the battery cables or take battery out?
Should I do anything else to the Jeep to get it ready for storage in the winter?
There is a winterizing thread pretty active.

Personally , I'd throw in a fuel stabilizer and run it so it's in the complete system ..ethanol is awful long term.
Recently bought an 05 Unlimited here on cape cod. Have the soft + hard tops
I don't have a garage. Was thinking about buying a tarp like cover for it so that I can leave the tops off at night and put the cover over the whole Jeep. Saw one on Amazon with good ratings for $200
Good idea? Any thoughts on what cover to buy or where to buy one?
Also, plan on putting the Jeep away in a friend's garage from late December to early April
Should I use a battery tender or disconnect the battery cables or take battery out?
Should I do anything else to the Jeep to get it ready for storage in the winter?

Been storing my Jeeps now for over 10+ years over the exact same period, this is what i do.

Add a bottle of fuel stabilizer in your tank, fill up the tank to full before parking it.
Disconnect the negative of the battery and leave it be. You can connect a battery tender maybe once a month just to give it a little trickle charger..
I tend to put a tarp under the Jeep as well when i park it just to keep the moisture/humidity off the garage floor - probably doesn't do anything lol..
I store alot of vehicles long term as well. Fill the fuel tank completely, then Stabil in the tank, battery tender on the battery. So far, everything has worked when I fire it up.
I don't winterize since I'm in GA, but I know a buddy that does, and one thing he does is cap off the exhaust pipe and air box to keep critters out.