Servicing the tranny, transfer case, etc.


May 3, 2018
Norman, OK, USA
My neighbor came over this weekend to “help” me change out the fluids in my transmission, transfer case and differentials. By “help” I mean sit and drink beer out of my shop fridge as I work. But he said he never saw anyone put fluid in the way I do. So if he hasn’t seen it maybe someone who could use it doesn’t know this technique. I’m not saying it is better, it is just how I do it...
You need safety glasses, an air compressor, hose, blow gun with rubber tip, a length or poly tubing (I used 3/16” ID cuz it was what I had), electrical tape and of course the bottle of fluid you are putting in.
I cut a hole on the bottle lid tight enough so the tubing is real snug (cap removed from bottle). Pull the hose through the cap leaving enough to reach the bottom of the bottle on the one side and enough to comfortably reach what I’m servicing. Wrap electrical tape around the bottle side tubing thick enough to form a seal when you pull out slightly on the tube and then wrap the outside of the tune so it stays in place. I cut the bottom of the tube at a slight angle to ensure flow. Install the tube and cap on the bottle, poke a hole near the top of the bottle above the fluid level, put free end of hose into the fill hole of what you are servicing. **** with LOW PRESSURE (10-25psi) !!!! press the rubber tip of the blow gun to the hole and SLOWLY apply air to the bottle. I’m wearing safety glasses because there is a pressurized vessel of fluid that is not designed to be pressurized in front of my face. But I can watch the fluid go up the hose into the fill hole and easily see when it is full. I’ve used transfer pumps before and it only takes 3 pumps (just like it takes 3 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop) but I find this easier. Hope it helps someone. If you hate the idea and find it utterly ridiculous, it’s ok. Let me know and Don’t use it. I won’t be hurt.
View attachment 52378 View attachment 52379 My neighbor came over this weekend to “help” me change out the fluids in my transmission, transfer case and differentials. By “help” I mean sit and drink beer out of my shop fridge as I work. But he said he never saw anyone put fluid in the way I do. So if he hasn’t seen it maybe someone who could use it doesn’t know this technique. I’m not saying it is better, it is just how I do it...
You need safety glasses, an air compressor, hose, blow gun with rubber tip, a length or poly tubing (I used 3/16” ID cuz it was what I had), electrical tape and of course the bottle of fluid you are putting in.
I cut a hole on the bottle lid tight enough so the tubing is real snug (cap removed from bottle). Pull the hose through the cap leaving enough to reach the bottom of the bottle on the one side and enough to comfortably reach what I’m servicing. Wrap electrical tape around the bottle side tubing thick enough to form a seal when you pull out slightly on the tube and then wrap the outside of the tune so it stays in place. I cut the bottom of the tube at a slight angle to ensure flow. Install the tube and cap on the bottle, poke a hole near the top of the bottle above the fluid level, put free end of hose into the fill hole of what you are servicing. **** with LOW PRESSURE (10-25psi) !!!! press the rubber tip of the blow gun to the hole and SLOWLY apply air to the bottle. I’m wearing safety glasses because there is a pressurized vessel of fluid that is not designed to be pressurized in front of my face. But I can watch the fluid go up the hose into the fill hole and easily see when it is full. I’ve used transfer pumps before and it only takes 3 pumps (just like it takes 3 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop) but I find this easier. Hope it helps someone. If you hate the idea and find it utterly ridiculous, it’s ok. Let me know and Don’t use it. I won’t be hurt.
Where was this post yesterday? LOL I was adding gear oil to my wife's XJ yesterday, and the hose popped off the end of the spout and covered my right eye in gear oil (got under my glasses). Handy tip you've posted here. I'll have to give it a try. :)
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Hell whatever works! I say if you works for you, do it. I personally converted a hand weed killer pump into a trans/transfercase filler. It works good, and is clean. Pump the pumper and pull the trigger.
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Hell whatever works! I say if you works for you, do it. I personally converted a hand weed killer pump into a trans/transfercase filler. It works good, and is clean. Pump the pumper and pull the trigger.
Good one. Same principle applying head pressure to push the fluid.
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