Strange new squeak from rear wheel - brakes related

Justin S.

Aug 15, 2018
Kansas City
So this is an odd one, and it just sounds weird but it's loud and obnoxious. Just some quick background, I have a 2000 Jeep TJ sport that I had a Dana 35 put in a year or two ago that came from a newer Rubicon, limited slip with an e locker. Everything was good. Last year I replaced the drum e brakes cause they were gone, and while at it I replaced the pads as well. At some point after that I started hearing this sound at varying levels of intensity. I took the wheel off, inspected the brakes, made sure nothing was rubbing. Put everything back together and it was gone...for like a day. Later on I pulled it off again, removed the rotor and inspected everything again. It was possible that some of the tabs sticking off the drum brakes were maybe rubbing or something so I just ground those down a tiny bit. Again day or two without the noise and it slowly came back.

When I'm driving it starts as soon as I start pushing on the brakes. If I push on them very hard and stop aggressively it goes away almost completely, but as soon as I lighten up to come to a smooth stop it comes back in. I have to hit the brakes pretty hard to slow down without the noise. At slow speeds I've pulled the e brake just a little until I feel some slight resistance and it still occurs, no change. Is it possibly something with the drive shaft? Any ideas? Appreciate any assistance!
could be pad warning tab, check rear pad thickness
Thanks for the quick response. The pads are brand new so I don't think it's them. Also the way it goes in and out with the speed of the wheel makes me think it couldn't be that, those tend to be constant when you push the brakes on.