Surface rust on foot well


TJ Neophyte
Supporting Member
Nov 12, 2015
I pulled out my carpet the other day and found some surface rust of the floor pan. It was easy enough to remove with a wire wheel and some fine sand paper, but I'm looking for guidance on how to properly prep and paint it. My plan was to mask off the interior, scuff the remaining painted surface, hit everything with a rust converter, prime, spray with a Mopar color match spray that I picked up, then clear coat it for final protection? Any sanding that I should do between primer and color?

Note: Carpet is going back in and I have no interest in a bedliner or equivalent product.


If you buy one of these POR-15 kits it comes with everything you need and instructions that guide you through a step-by-step process of how to take care of it.

That's what I did on mine. I'll see if I can locate the instructions somewhere.
I've used POR before, I just didn't think that it was necessary for this application. I guess I could use it again.
I've used POR before, I just didn't think that it was necessary for this application. I guess I could use it again.

Perhaps it's not, you could be right. I only use the kit and go through their process just because it seems like a sure fire way to make sure the rust never comes back.

If it was just minimal surface rust I would grind it down with a wire wheel, then spray some rust reformer stuff on top of it and call it a day. With light rust I think that's all you'd need to do.