Today's Rant


TJ Guru
Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2015
Orygun, the wet side...

Just received a letter from my postage purveyor to stop in and provide ID and additional address information. Provide the information or the service stops. Done. Over.

WTF, over!?

Here's background: The loving wife and I have been living full time in an RV for four years now It's not the typical thing old farts do, but it's not atypical either. Lots of tradesmen and professionals do this as a preferred lifestyle for increased fun and profit. (check out what a traveling nurse makes, or a union electrician or pipefitter that's on the books as willing to travel) But I digress. The implication is that you don't have a "normal" address. But, there are a multitude of things that require a "home" or "residence" address. Not a P.O. Box. Voters registration, Banking, insurance, drivers license and vehicle registration, etc, etc. Any address plugged into a web app is automatically cross checked against a USPS official database. It's a binary solution, a yes or no answer, pass / fail.

But here's the deal. Assholes from California have been coming up to Oregon and snagging slots in the mail service system to dodge taxes and fees in their home state. The Socialist State of California whined to USPS that they were loosing revenue. USPS said, "These citizens can't do that!!!" and started a campaign to crack down on these services. You can't register with family members unless you can prove you actually live with them.

I'm being screwed by tax dodging assholes from out of state, and I don't like it. I'll lose voting, banking, insurance, mail service, investment services, and who know what else that I haven't even thought of until I come up with an alternative.

Oh, and to top it off, USPS reports you as being a possible criminal enterprise so DHS flags you in various databases at homeland security for further scrutiny. Wonderful, just wonderful.

I spent six years of my life actively defending this country from external threats. I have the scars to prove it. And now these totalitarian assholes won't even let me live the last years of my life the way I want.

All the BS around the homeless, illegal aliens, the war on this, that and the other thing, bailing idiots out of major debts that they actively accepted and signed a contract for....the list goes on and on. And a state that I don't even live in, and will never willingly visit, totally screws my life over for some period of time. At least until I can figure out how to work this out.

I don't think that's just local to you. I was at a post office here and heard a customer talking with a clerk about a similar thing. I didn't hear all the details, but it sounded like he was trying to get a key to a clusterbox for new service.

Customer: "I'm not showing you an ID in order to get mail delivered."
Clerk: "Sir, it's a new homeland security policy. Everyone has to do it."
Customer: "Ok, then why do I keep getting mail for 'Resident'? Are you going to get their I.D., too? Because they are the people you should be looking out for - their mail fills up my mailbox."
Clerk: crickets chirping

Ultimately, the customer stood his ground and didn't give in, but he left angry and without the key, saying he would be contacting his House Rep and Senators to complain. Which is about the only thing you can (and should) do. If enough people complain to them, they may actually do something about it.
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I don't think that's just local to you. I was at a post office here and heard a customer talking with a clerk about a similar thing. I didn't hear all the details, but it sounded like he was trying to get a key to a clusterbox for new service.

Customer: "I'm not showing you an ID in order to get mail delivered."
Clerk: "Sir, it's a new homeland security policy. Everyone has to do it."
Customer: "Ok, then why do I keep getting mail for 'Resident'? Are you going to get their I.D., too? Because they are the people you should be looking out for - their mail fills up my mailbox."
Clerk: crickets chirping

Ultimately, the customer stood his ground and didn't give in, but he left angry and without the key, saying he would be contacting his House Rep and Senators to complain. Which is about the only thing you can (and should) do. If enough people complain to them, they may actually do something about it.

Oh good grief! It's a DHS thing? It's national, not just local? Figures, just figures.

Complaining to your government representatives is only very slightly more productive then complaining to some unresponsive bureaucrat, which is only slightly less productive than screaming into the face of a winter storm on the Oregon coast. This whole thing may be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.

I don't know about all y'all, but I just may no longer comply. I knew that whole DHS thing was a bad idea at the time.

In 2009 - 2010 I stopped contracting and cut my income by 3/4th. Just because I didn't want to feed the .gov any more taxes, and I really didn't need all that cash. Didn't make one bit of difference. I've held public, elected office. Didn't make one bit of difference. Went gray, and did all the things to disappear short of going underground and breaking the law. Didn't make one whit of difference. What are they going to do next? Throw my 65 year old white male ass in jail for being noisy or something? Just exactly WTF do they expect to accomplish with all of this anyway. And who are "They", anyway. Sheesh. I'm turning into my Grandpa Simmons.
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Frankly California isn't the only State where people are NOT registering their "home" address to escape tyranny.

I can confirm in IL since our morbidly obese Marxist pig Governor is violating the 2nd Amendment thru legislative tyranny ,
many are fleeing the state "On record" because they're threatening now to revoke drivers licenses, if you don't register
all your weapons. (*Smells like Freedom right ??)

Plenty of IL residents , especially Conservative Liberty minded people are fleeing the State on record, and getting
Wisconsin, and Indiana addresses, licenses, and bypassing the Marxist tyrants decrees.

The Govt is overrun with foreign influence, to destroy the Bill of Rights, (GOP & Democrat both)
and Americans are seeking refuge elsewhere. Voting isn't working people, they're rigging elections,
inviting MILLIONS of illegals in, paying for it all thru NGO's, and your taxes

So don't get me started on this "Well they voted for it" fallacy people still naively believe in.
They're already trying to ban TIK TOK now because it's an election year, and they can't control the narrative on TIK TOK
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Frankly California isn't the only State where people are NOT registering their "home" address to escape tyranny.

I can confirm in IL since our morbidly obese Marxist pig Governor is violating the 2nd Amendment thru legislative tyranny ,
many are fleeing the state "On record" because they're threatening now to revoke drivers licenses, if you don't register
all your weapons. (*Smells like Freedom right ??)

Plenty of IL residents , especially Conservative Liberty minded people are fleeing the State on record, and getting
Wisconsin, and Indiana addresses, licenses, and bypassing the Marxist tyrants decrees.

The Govt is overrun with foreign influence, to destroy the Bill of Rights, (GOP & Democrat both)
and Americans are seeking refuge elsewhere. Voting isn't working people, they're rigging elections,
inviting MILLIONS of illegals in, paying for it all thru NGO's, and your taxes

So don't get me started on this "Well they voted for it" fallacy people still naively believe in.
They're already trying to ban TIK TOK now because it's an election year, and they can't control the narrative on TIK TOK

Now, THAT'S rather interesting. Sounds like we need Committees of Correspondence or something to share notes on what's going on. I had no idea.

Rat Bastards in the Bureaucracies are causing all sorts of ills.

I need to calm down and think on this some.
Regulation and bureaucracy ruins everything. If only he had actually drained that Swamp, right?
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Regulation and bureaucracy ruins everything. If only he had actually drained that Swamp, right?

Don't get me started on what Trump did, or didn't, do. He is not, and can never be, the savior that he's made out to be. The only thing that will fix this thing now is for it to crash. It's inevitable that it will now. National debt increase = 1 Trillion dollars every 100 days. The bond market is getting janky for US Treasuries. That means QE / printing to the moon. Welcome to Zimbabwe. We'll make the Germans during Wiemar look like amateurs.

Hope ya'll are right with your God, and your neighbors.
Don't get me started on what Trump did, or didn't, do. He is not, and can never be, the savior that he's made out to be. The only thing that will fix this thing now is for it to crash. It's inevitable that it will now. National debt increase = 1 Trillion dollars every 100 days. The bond market is getting janky for US Treasuries. That means QE / printing to the moon. Welcome to Zimbabwe. We'll make the Germans during Wiemar look like amateurs.

Hope ya'll are right with your God, and your neighbors.

I'm in agreement with you, 100%.

This country is starting to look exactly like the Wiemar Republic. There's nothing that can turn this country around with the trajectory we are on, short of a miracle from God. Funny how many folks don't seem to understand that. Ignorance is bliss, right?

I keep telling everyone I get a chance to, I hope you're in a good place with God. Can't forget neighbors too!
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Don't get me started on what Trump did, or didn't, do. He is not, and can never be, the savior that he's made out to be. The only thing that will fix this thing now is for it to crash. It's inevitable that it will now. National debt increase = 1 Trillion dollars every 100 days. The bond market is getting janky for US Treasuries. That means QE / printing to the moon. Welcome to Zimbabwe. We'll make the Germans during Wiemar look like amateurs.

Hope ya'll are right with your God, and your neighbors.

Let's get it over with already and crash..its been a decent run. I'm good with God but can't stand my neighbors but I'm willing to take that chance.
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Worked out a medium term solution. F'em. It's good to have friends and contacts. I can react quicker and more creatively than any bureaucrat can. So just F'm.
Let's get it over with already and crash..its been a decent run. I'm good with God but can't stand my neighbors but I'm willing to take that chance.

I'm ready too. And I like most of my neighbors, and know which ones I can trust.

Hey , @Chris - I'm going to try and access this site over my VPN. It didn't work last time. Think it might work now?
I'm ready too. And I like most of my neighbors, and know which ones I can trust.

Hey , @Chris - I'm going to try and access this site over my VPN. It didn't work last time. Think it might work now?

It may or may not. If it doesn't, just PM me your VPN IP and I'll whitelist it.
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"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. " Winston Churchill.

"There are recurring cycles, ups and downs, but the course of events is essentially the same, with small variations. It has been said that history repeats itself. This is perhaps not quite correct; it merely rhymes."

Quote from psychoanalyst Theodor Reik, 1965 essay.

Right now it is rhyming the shit out of it...
"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. " Winston Churchill.
Speaking of Churchill

Ive got a 1920 article or speech from Churchill I can share
But Im not sure what the forum boundaries are on politics

The indoctrination of Americans runs deep
As a result, history IS repeating itself
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Speaking of Churchill

Ive got a 1920 article or speech from Churchill I can share
But Im not sure what the forum boundaries are on politics

The indoctrination of Americans runs deep
As a result, history IS repeating itself

We have a politics sub forum.
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