Tornado season

Here were some buildings going at the airport. The terminal appears to be fine.

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We had our first warning of the season a couple nights ago. Nothing actually materialized from it, thank goodness, but looking at radar, there was a major hook. It was 30 miles south of me, but the whole county fires off the sirens when a little bit of it is in danger.

Hope your daughter stays safe.
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It may have been an F5 that passed over. Sirens and alerts all afternoon. It started out just outside Lincoln so there was 40 minutes of warnings. I was driving home when the sirens first went off. They go off when there is a confirmed tornado in the counties touching yours. Then again when it's in your county.

Then we do this when we know the path.


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Everyone survived round one. The weather predicted tomorrow as the bad day. So we'll see what happens.
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Crossing my fingers for you. We’re supposed to get some weather tonight. I think it’s only thunder storms, but we went from 50’ish degrees yesterday to almost 80 today, so there is some “weirdness” out there.

The lake (Lake Michigan) screws everything up, though. Sometimes it tempers storms, sometimes it feeds them.
We drove up by the tornado path but most neighborhoods are blocked off by the police and national guard. It was nasty, just seeing it from the main streets.

I have some stuff to donate, but the places taking it have asked not to drop things off until people have new housing and can take donations. I'd like to help more, but so many are, they have more than they need and we're sort of overwhelming the system. I'll find a charity helping victims directly. I'm not a huge fan of the Red Cross or United Way.

We're watching another round form and head this way today. The weather has been talking about it all week like the last time. These storms are different. Normally they go Southeast at 2 am, not Northeast in the afternoon. We had a loud tornado alert radio to wake us up back in the day. It was programmed for the surrounding counties to give us time to wake, dress, and get kids up. Now our phones all go off.

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Oh last count in our county alone was 943 homes damaged, 173 totally destroyed. I bet that number is low as insurance adjusters look at damage. Like I said before, a house might look viable until they realize it's moved off the foundation, or the rafers are cracked, etc.

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