Unusual situation leaves me needing advice on wheels and tires

Look guys I am no authority on anything but I’m going to tell you something about tires- I learned this from a very intelligent RV owner.

Now this may not be the case with this particular vehicle.

Every spring we see some guy who purchased a boat that’s been sitting in somebody’s yard on the side of the road and he’s got two flat tires.

What happens is when the vehicle is sitting in the grass or on damp earth the rubber absorbs water and the steel belts rust. The tires fail. This is why they sell pads to elevate tires off the ground.

Since I was a kid, my dad has always laid out some concrete paver blocks next to the shed whenever we had a farm truck to park there, to keep the tires off the ground.
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I bet you change your oil every 2500 miles too ! I find it funny that back in the 70's, 80's and 90's you drove them until the chords were visible, nobody cared about their age unless they were dry rotted ! but now with the push of the tire companies we worry more about how old they are. whats next light bulbs only being good for a set number of hours before they go bad ? no wait headlights are only good for a year and need to be changed even if never driven at night :eek:

Well I have to strongly disagree with on headlights only being good for a year 😲 they can last for many many years.

Now if you have ever driven your jeep at night you would know that the factory one suck so bad they need to replaced immediately, and not wait one year as you stated. 😂
@theabbott, I wouldn't trust them either. If it sat in a garage with no AC they took a lot of heat in 13 years. Go to a Discount Tire and buy the least expensive tires you're comfortable with and sell them when you get home. Why chance it? If you decide to run them at least the roads won't be hot on your drive. Nice Jeep.
Look guys I am no authority on anything but I’m going to tell you something about tires- I learned this from a very intelligent RV owner.

Now this may not be the case with this particular vehicle.

Every spring we see some guy who purchased a boat that’s been sitting in somebody’s yard on the side of the road and he’s got two flat tires.

What happens is when the vehicle is sitting in the grass or on damp earth the rubber absorbs water and the steel belts rust. The tires fail. This is why they sell pads to elevate tires off the ground.

Now my feelings about the thread-

If the vehicle was stored inside, and it has been driven at least some in the last few years the tires are probably perfectly fine for the trip- But they are not going to ride as good and drive as good as a fresh set of rubber that is pliable will. So he may get a bad first impression of these vehicles but he would not be the first person to do that.

All that said I’m not going to tell anybody exactly what to do in this situation except use your own best judgment.

If he had his 13-year-old son in the vehicle and the right front tire blew out and he had a catastrophic accident, I would feel terrible.

I also want to iterate that I’m not judging anybody for encouraging him to drive the vehicle. You can just about bet your bottom dollar that I would do the same thing.

But I’m probably not going to get on here and tell him to do that.

But you just admitted to listening to Britney Spears, so everything you just typed is null and void!!!!!

Knowing what we know about you now, we can never trust your advice again!!!

Are you a jealous "Swiftie" fan?

I can picture @John Cooper paying $600-1200+ for a ticket to see his idle . @AndyG would just clean everyone's windshield to sneak in and pocket his profits. 🥳 IMO, @Plumber1's Jeep can't be duplicated. I was a fan on the other forum.

It may not have been duplicated, but it was imitated. And I had fun doing it .
Thanks for the great responses. I will definitely keep the wheels whatever we do. We will have a few days around Vegas before we head home so I will probably see how the old tires are in person and then make the call.
Drive it as is

I just picked up a Jeep TJ in Florida while on vacation this summer and drove it back to Chicagoland

I just checked it over in a rainstorm as much as I could and took it. Soon as I got home, swapped out the rims and tires. Theyre still in my garage

You can have them if u want them. Another option is while out in Nevada find some newer Jeep wheels that were taken off a newer Jeep on Facebook Marketplace

Buy the wheel spacers before ya go and bring em with ya
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Tires. Brakes. Steering. Three areas on any car where you do not cheap out. Ever.
First post here. I bought a jeep on Bring a Trailer. 2006 Rubicon in Nevada. My wife and I will fly out and drive it home to Michigan via Utah. Issue: the tires look new but are date coded 2010 so they have to go. Problem: I will almost certainly lift it and put on new wheels and tires once we get her home. Right now I think my best bet is to get new tires in Nevada and sell them once we get home. Any other bright ideas?

This is the best idea.
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