TJ Enthusiast
Put the ground loop isolator in and instant buzz relief (that sounds horrible). When I unmounted the small midbass amp I realized there is room on the kickpanel to tuck it up farther under the dash and it's about 4" up from the lowest point of the floor there. So it's about as rainproof as is it can be. With the isolator that's not a bad place for the amp. The farthest point towards the back is 2-3" past the windshield.
The isolator I used is the PAC from crutchfield for around $20, it has two ground wires that the instructions say use only if no sound passes through and I didn't have to use those.
Awesome news! I'm glad to hear it worked so well. Did you end up moving the amplifier further up the kick?
I finally had a chance to measure out my frequency response today. Nothing exciting, just a little channel EQ'ing, but it's already cleaning up the bass. I'll have to spend a few hours this weekend playing.