Weird question about raccoon sh!+


Backcountry Jeeper
Original poster
Supporting Member
Oct 16, 2016
Youngsville, LA, United States
So like the title says, during a recent camping trip, I went doorless and windowless. It monsooned in my jeep for 3 days. I have a Gobi top so I always just take the windows and doors off and leave my soft top on.

Anyway, the second night there during my morning inspection of the jeep to make sure the drain plugs aren't stopped up, I noticed paw prints that resemble a raccoon. Best I can figure the little fella took refuge in my jeep to get out of the rain overnight. While doing so he/she decided instead of exiting my jeep to handle his business to go ahead and shit in the back floorboard. I got it out the best I could, but after three days of wet humid Louisiana weather it was a lost cause. I wound up cutting my back floorboard carpet out.

Now the question. Can a section of carpet that size ( the whole passenger floor panel from the seat back to the hump where the other section of carpet starts) missing cause a significant increase in heat inside my cab? Enough to where the A/C (which isn't the greatest to start with) would lose effectiveness?
Having no carpet will definitely make a big difference in the heat inside the Jeep. I run my TJ with no carpets and back when I had a working A/C I had to put back my front carpets because otherwise my leg would burn because of the temps of the transmission hump during the summer (Well Late Spring, Summer and Early Fall here in Florida LOL).
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I wouldn't think so either, but with the exhaust on that side and the cat right under it, I figured I'd ask. I plan on bed rug and that duct insulation mod when I get back from vacay, hopefully it helps. I only have doors on when I'm at work or it's raining.

FYI... raccoon scat is worse than cat piss. It was terrible. :vomiton22je:
In my neck of the woods, racoon and ground hogs have reached plague proportions. The coons are especially bad about tearing into stuff and getting where they don't belong and yes...crapping there. As you remarked, the stench is formidable. Sadly, over the last 2 weeks, 3 coons and 4 ground hogs have passed away from high-velocity metal poisoning. My neighbor remarked that it looked like they might have been shot. I wouldn't know anything about that though..........
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LOL....Yea, I thought about that. A couple of well placed vitamin lead injections would probably do the trick, but I was in a state park and they frown on that.
Raccoons were so memorable where we camped on a 3 day ocean dive to survey a cove (Montana de Oro State Park in Calif.)) that we unofficially renamed the bay Coon Cove lol.

First, we laid a guy out overnight on one of the picnic tables to sleep off too much tequila our first night there. The next morning, he had little muddy raccoon paw prints over his body and his face. We all died laughing when we saw the all the little footprints on his face. He never noticed them lol.

The next night, we had bags of abalone piled up that we had acquired while diving. We were cooking a bunch of when we heard a giant raccoon fight going on. 5-6 raccoons were in a MAJOR fight over the bags of abalone on the edge of our campsite. They were attacking each other so viciously that all were bloodied by the time we figured out what was going on. We tried to run them off to save the abalones but couldn't. Fortunately they couldn't get inside the dive nets the abalone was in so they eventually gave up.

We had raccoons all over us the entire 3 days we were there, they were into everything. They even tore into one of our tents, we had to move all the food over into a camper on the back of a pickup truck.

When making the presentation on our findings, one of the scientists in the audience asked if we saw any great white sharks while diving. The water was murky enough that we hadn't. It turns out that particular cove is usually very popular with great whites. Glad we didn't know that or we probably wouldn't have accepted the assignment lol.
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They were everywhere, I couldn't identify the offending party, but I didn't give them all the turtle eye.

We have gators down here, like great whites, but can breathe above water.