What would cause 2006 Jeep Wrangler to blow heat from all functions at once?


New Member
May 25, 2020
Nova Scotia Canada
What would cause my 2006 Jeep LJ to blow heat from all functions at once? Defrost, vents, floor. The heater control assembly is new. All fan speeds work fine.
I was heading up a pretty good hill on the freeway with our 04. The AC refused to change the vent location. I assume there wasn't enough vacuum to change the mode on the AC. Once the road leveled out it all worked as normal.
I was heading up a pretty good hill on the freeway with our 04. The AC refused to change the vent location. I assume there wasn't enough vacuum to change the mode on the AC. Once the road leveled out it all worked as normal.

That's just like the good old fashion windshield wipers. Up a hill while trying to maintain speed, no wiper action. Coasting down the hill with the brakes on, wipers flapping like a hummingbird.