Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator

Whats it worth?

Listen here you backwoods Alabama duck whore.

I thought that was @AndyG? ;)
p.s. I sent AndyG some cool ducks to display on his dash. I think he's already met the first one.

Chucky duck.jpg

Exorcist duck.jpg


IT duck.jpg

Death duck.jpg
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Im in Asheville NC...

What a mess - bless these people.

I've been seeing it online and donating funds to a couple of on-the-ground efforts. The NC mountains are a relatively short 1-3 hour drive for me, depending on where, so I'm familiar with most of the areas that got blown out, and it just looks crazy. That storm was originally supposed to go just to my west and dump the rain on my area, but it went further west and we only got an inch or two. The mountains just aren't a place that I think of flooding like that.
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Reactions: John Cooper
I've been seeing it online and donating funds to a couple of on-the-ground efforts. The NC mountains are a relatively short 1-3 hour drive for me, depending on where, so I'm familiar with most of the areas that got blown out, and it just looks crazy. That storm was originally supposed to go just to my west and dump the rain on my area, but it went further west and we only got an inch or two. The mountains just aren't a place that I think of flooding like that.

Exactly. I think no one realized this could happen.

I’m out of here as quick as we can today - the city infrastructure needs the least pressure possible.
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So sad, such a valuable part of this community, Too soon, I tell you. :cry:

I know he's still out there somewhere, lookin' in now and then. To better days, Whore.


Like any other old whore, sent on their way when you're done with them. Who knows he might be president some day like Kamala !!!
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator