Which half doors?

Silver or Black?

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TJ Addict
Supporting Member
Mar 7, 2019
Riverside, CA
I have two sets of half doors, trying to decide which one to keep. I've had the black bed lined doors for a few years. Nothing really wrong with them except they're black. So thinking of maybe sanding them down and spray painting them to match my silver metallic. I spray painted the hinges on the silver doors, thought they came out pretty good. Though not sure if this would look shitty on the whole door.

Recently got the silver doors. Didn't know there were two shades of silver when I got them, but Jeep was pretty dirty and I thought they matched. My wife thinks they still look better than the black, but they have a bit of body damage, the handles/latches stick and have to be manually pushed shut.







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This is what I would do since they are in better condition.

Yeah, probably what I'll end up doing. Since I already painted the hinges on the silver ones, might swap the hinges which might make sanding the black ones easier.

I can’t stand rust. I’d refinish the better ones.

Or get new skins for the silver ones and paint to match.

Thought about getting the skins too, but that would cost money lol. Do the spray paint route. I'll suck it up and buy the skins later if they get too beat up.
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Since I already painted the hinges on the silver ones, might swap the hinges which might make sanding the black ones easier.
How did you prepare the hinges for paint? I have a set that appears to have a thick, almost rubberized coating on. They were re-painted at some time but I dont know if they were stripped down to metal at that point. I tried stripping them in a blast cabinet and it did not work.
If you want to get rid of the silver ones, I would be interested in taking them off your hands.

That will eventually happen. Looks like I'm going to paint the black doors. So will keep the silver on until the black is ready to go back on.

I'll let you know. Hopefully within a few weeks depending on the heat and my laziness. I also need to order some more paint.

Id have both fixed. The price of half doors is increasing by the hour. You could probably sell the second set, pay for the first set and have enough left over for a righteous party.

Yes, was originally thinking I'd keep the silver. Wanted to get this done so I could sell the black.

Put the hinges on, mounted the doors this weekend. Then the face palm moment of figuring I shouldn't just painted the black ones to begin with...

Though I probably would've had a body shop do those eventually. So after painting the hinges and seeing how that wasn't that difficult, kind of a fun project. That got me re-thinking the whole thing, and here we are.
How did you prepare the hinges for paint? I have a set that appears to have a thick, almost rubberized coating on. They were re-painted at some time but I dont know if they were stripped down to metal at that point. I tried stripping them in a blast cabinet and it did not work.

I had another thread regarding the hinges. Ended up getting some guidance:

Used masking tape to cover the hinge pin that goes in the body side hinge.

3 of hinges were used and different colors. (2 from Davey's Jeep, 1 from Ebay) 4th hinge was brand new.

So sanded the hinges with 220. Wiped them down with Acetone to remove grease. Wipe down again with a clean cloth. Let them dry.

Sprayed with 1 layer of rustoleum primer. Used gray since it's closest to silver. You could probably skip the primer if all 4 hinges are the same color.

Then 3 coats of the ERA color matched rattle can. At least 40 minutes dry time between layers. Then 2 layers of ERA clearcoat. 30 minutes+ of drying time in between.

I was impressed with how the hinges came out. That's what made me think of re-doing the black doors. Before doing all this (and finding the other doors) I had thought about taking the black doors to a body shop to be re-done. Since it's a trail rig and it's going to get scratched anyway, just don't really want to spend the money to have that done.
I'd go with the black doors. I would bet aircraft remover would take the bed liner off with ease. As far as painting goes it would be easier to use a cheap HF gun than a spray can. For large flat areas, the spray can isn't that great because it's hard to shoot metallic without getting tiger strips. If you have an air compressor you can get pre-mixed paint off ebay and a $14 air gun from HF. Painting with the spray gun is easier than spray paint.

The silver doors look like my Silverstone Metallic!!
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I would keep the black ones, I just bought a set of half doors and i was in two minds at point of sale because of a few trail dents but got them in the end, re spraying is a lot of work on its own without adding in panel work.
The ones i bought are green and I will never be able to get them gloss black without showing every mark.
Keep them both, paint the black doors to make them pretty! But like someone said, half doors are getting more rare. Take some time and they could be fixed to look pretty good! Either way it requires patience which is no fun!
Keep them both, paint the black doors to make them pretty! But like someone said, half doors are getting more rare. Take some time and they could be fixed to look pretty good! Either way it requires patience which is no fun!
I think the half doors suit the overall look much better than the full doors, I wanted half doors but I was influenced to look for a TJ with full doors, I suppose the full doors are good for Highway driving but this last summer I had both windows open fully all the time.
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I think the half doors suit the overall look much better than the full doors, I wanted half doors but I was influenced to look for a TJ with full doors, I suppose the full doors are good for Highway driving but this last summer I had both windows open fully all the time.
If I had to choose between having just one set it would be the full doors. I’m shocked I’m saying this, but the perks of them vs. half doors year round just wins out. Plus I did my half doors 2 months ago and only used them about 2 weeks 😂. I have been rolling no doors ever since!
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