Why can I only get Mexican radio channels in my TJ?

When I was a kid they used to broadcast really high power radio from Mexico and you could tune it in from Los Angeles. Now they broadcast from local AM/FM stations because most country and rock are on satellite or internet so it's cheap. In a way it's funny to think you've got the same thing playing in Georgia now. Advertising still reaches people with those two types of music on the radio, I guess rock and country don't sell pop tarts over AM/FM so they don't broadcast as much anymore.
Mighty 690?
can someone tell me why it is the only stations i can get really clear is the mesiacan stations or the classical music stations WTF ? i can get a rock or country station just long enough to get into it then it starts fading in and out :mad: BZZZZ !!!!!!! WTF was my jeep made in Mexico or just the radio ?
Hell, I wish I could get a classical station - there are exactly ZERO around here. Lots of country, "enough" rock, bunches of jigga-boo of one sort or another, and a metric ton of monotheists reciting from their book. No classical or easy listening to be had!

I mostly listen to my own music on Geek sticks...
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well yall Jerry was right. went to the parts store and dang all they had was antenna's made in Chiner ! figured I'd try one. and you guessed it now all i hear is ching, chang, chong, chop suey, egg roll, won ton, fwied wice and covid ! 😷
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