Will 05/06 AC panel fit 99 TJ?


Mar 11, 2020
South Carolina
A few days ago I was working on my heat system as its starting to get cold in the mornings down here in South Carolina. So I came to the conclusion my fan speed switch was a problem. I had the switch on the way when my dad was trying to help me by taking the old switch out.
No problem with that seeing as we own and operate a company that sells and repairs 2 way radios. We are more than competent enough to take things apart and fix internal problems. As he was taking the panel apart, he accidentally broke the 10K potentiometer for the heat/AC temp switch. We couldn't find one at the shop to replace it with so it was time to order a new panel.
I hopped on Summit racing when I saw a complete panel for $45.99. So being a cheap ass, I ordered the panel. Upon further inspection the fan speed switch was different. I didn't know they changed that from 99.

To get to my point, does anyone know if the 05/06 AC panel will work for a 99?

UPDATE: received the late model panel. All plugs work fine, the vacuum side plug does not. The panel works fine other than the vent selector. The selector does not change what vent air comes through. It defaults to the defrost vent and that is the only vent it comes through.

Moral of the story, check your parts twice, or even more, before you buy them. This isn't the first time ive done this with parts on my jeep. I have a brand new condenser sitting in my shop because I did the same stupid thing. Or just find a buddy with a late model TJ and trade parts lol