Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

2005 Rubicon fuel gauge issue


Original poster
Sep 6, 2019
Just noticed over the last few weeks that my gas gage isn't dropping any lower than halfway between 3/4 and half full anymore. Filled up yesterday when the gage showed a little over half and it took 16 gallons and I'm pretty sure the gas tank capacity is 19 gallons. With all that said what am I looking at here? Thanks, in advantage for any feedback.

Jack Dow
La Mesa, CA
Probably the sending unit in the gas tank.

You can run the cluster self test by pushing in on the trip odo button and then turning the key to On. Release the trip button and the gauges will all cycle through their range.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts