Anybody up for a random meme dump?

Developers typically run HOA. Minimal maintenance. For lots of people it's a plus. (Not for me anywhere or anyhow) I'm a Building Inspector and I've never known any Community Development Director. Building Department. Planning or Zoning Department to ever require an HOA for new plats, developments, or subdivisions. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Just that there's no money in it for anyone but the people that run it. I can (maybe) see an advantage if you're a City and leave the street lighting, maintenance, and other small upkeep to the individual Community but it doesn't typically end well.

Plus, if you've known Developers, you know that their egos match their over reach often times. It's a power thing for some. Especially if the biggest house in that neighborhood happens to belong to the owner of the builder or a close relative.

The HOAs I've been involved with - which is, of course, a small sample (4), were only run by the developers for a short time until all the properties were sold. Then they pass it over to the Karens.
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Working real hard to buy a new to me home. Found seven acres where I can pee in the front yard, back yard, and shoot my ole 45 anytime I want. Cannot wait to move. It does have restrictions….no mobile homes gotta be so big, but no stinking HOA. Best of all it is really quiet and not crowded.

I've never understood minimal house size stipulations. Makes zero sense to me, It comes across as a snob appeal thing - but many things are like that.
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I've never understood minimal house size stipulations. Makes zero sense to me, It comes across as a snob appeal thing - but many things are like that.

Keep the poor(er) people out. Increase neighborhood property values.
I moved into a gated HOA for the first time.

Why did I move into a HOA? I didn't want to be in a house, than the owner of the house next door dies. Then his meth dealing user son moves in.

Two months after when I look out my window I'm looking at a junkyard, no thanks.

Example of why we need rules to protect us from idiots.

Where my parents and brother are buried they never had any rules at the cemetery. They have rules now because the plot next to ours is an eyesore.

The mother died and her son has an unhealthy obsession with her. He put artificial turf down, then wind chimes hanging from poles on the four corners..

The headstone has a color photo of her, then he has granite benches. Then he has a bunch of other junk there.

I never bothered to complain but a lot did, so now they have rules to prevent another eyesore.
I moved into a gated HOA for the first time.

Why did I move into a HOA? I didn't want to be in a house, than the owner of the house next door dies. Then his meth dealing user son moves in.

Two months after when I look out my window I'm looking at a junkyard, no thanks.

Example of why we need rules to protect us from idiots.

Where my parents and brother are buried they never had any rules at the cemetery. They have rules now because the plot next to ours is an eyesore.

The mother died and her son has an unhealthy obsession with her. He put artificial turf down, then wind chimes hanging from poles on the four corners..

The headstone has a color photo of her, then he has granite benches. Then he has a bunch of other junk there.

I never bothered to complain but a lot did, so now they have rules to prevent another eyesore.

That would be fine, if HOAs weren't invariably run by Karens. The meth dealing son can be dealt with in other ways besides having to deal with fucktards who want to regulate every bush, shrub, trashcan, and house color. Never mind not being able to park your RV, boat, etc. I'd say HOAs would be fine for those who want them, if you're like me and don't, don't move into an HOA neighborhood - but as said before, they ALL are now except older neighborhoods which are becoming increasingly scarce as time goes by. "Deed restricted community" - fuck that.

I don't see any problem with the cemetery. Everyone there is fucking dead. If her descendants want to put pix, windchimes and benches on her tomb, have at it.
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That would be fine, if HOAs weren't invariably run by Karens. The meth dealing son can be dealt with in other ways besides having to deal with fucktards who want to regulate every bush, shrub, trashcan, and house color. Never mind not being able to park your RV, boat, etc. I'd say HOAs would be fine for those who want them, if you're like me and don't, don't move into an HOA neighborhood - but as said before, they ALL are now except older neighborhoods which are becoming increasingly scarce as time goes by. "Deed restricted community" - fuck that.

I don't see any problem with the cemetery. Everyone there is fucking dead. If her descendants want to put pix, windchimes and benches on her tomb, have at it.

I've yet to have a problem in my gated HOA but if I do don't worry I'll bitch about it, when/if it happens.
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