Anyone Use Coveralls?


TJ Addict
Lifetime Supporting Member
Oct 7, 2020
I'm looking for an option to get out in the garage for short 30-60 min times when there's a window. I have a pile of old 'garage/home maintenance' clothes that are just old day-to-day clothes that I normally throw on for a day in the garage.

I've never run coveralls before and wondering if those with old shoes/boots would be a good solution throw over decent clothes (not 'company is coming' good clothes) to throw on for in the garage during 'short' windows.

Curious for thoughts, especially those who have run coveralls. Would I be wasting my money and still end up ruining the decent clothes underneath?

Open to alternative ideas, too.
I’ve got a couple from my military days. I’ll wear them in the winter sometime but it’s too hot in my area to wear them in the summer. I’ve never messed up any clothes that I was wearing under them.

I’d say the majority of the time I wear the same few pants or t-shirts that I’ve torn a hole in or got a stain on and wouldn’t wear out somewhere any more. When my wife sees me in them she knows I’m either going to be in the workshop or mowing grass. 😂
I had to wear FR coveralls when I did Fire/EMS work in the frack fields. These are NICE, high quality pieces (around $600-700/pr if I remember correctly). After I left the frack, I kept 2 pair thinking I'd use them in the garage. Truth is, I don't find them comfortable enough to throw on when I'm not required/getting paid to wear them. Too many layers, and they ride up any time I bend over.

Also, they're good for dirt or light grease, but any liquid or heavy grease will go right through them. Right now I just wear old jeans or bdu pants and an old shirt. But I'm considering trying some bibs. Haven't owned any in years, but feel like I could just throw those on for garage days, maybe with a button down work shirt or something when I need long sleeves.
My go-to for getting down and dirty w the jeep is my carhartt overalls, steel toes, and plaid long sleeve work shirt. Sure it gets dirty but thats what work clothes are for. Used to wear that combo when I worked in the plumbers union. They take the abuse and clean up just fine(y)
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I have a few pairs coveralls in the garage that I wear often. In the winter I wear “garage clothes” under them. When it warms up in the summer I wear shorts and a t-shirt under them. I have a pair of dedicated shop shoes as well. It makes it easy to strip off the fifth from rolling around on the floor before heading in for lunch.
Would I…still end up ruining the decent clothes underneath?

According to my wife, yes, you would. Any time she sees me heading out to our shop in regular clothes, she reminds me of the pile of good clothes that became shop clothes after I ruined them doing something that “will take five minutes, and I won’t be near anything dirty!” 🤣🤣🤣

I’ve learned to just change into shop clothes…
Way too confining to me. Feels like they're always riding up, bunching up, pinching something sensitive, or getting snagged on something. I have sacrificial garage clothes I wear, and that's working for me.
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I walk into the garage in my boxers, jump into my coveralls (I have long sleeved ones) and then put on my garage shoes and gloves. I have noticed that I am considerably less dirty after working on the jeep for hours than previously where I would wear some old jeans and a t-shirt/ sweatshirt.

For me the coveralls were a game changer!
Have Carhart for the winter months and also a lighter set of no name for summer. Will usually throw the lighter set in with my recovery gear as wife also has issues with me ruining decent clothes…. Had to laugh at the fact that I also run out to the garage in decent jeans and such for a 5 min repair or mod with out putting on the coveralls or Jeep work clothes and after a few hours come back in the house all covered in gunk. Wife just rolls her eyes at this point. After 43 years of marriage and many Jeeps she gave up lecturing me.👍🏻
Summers are super hot and humid here so I am typically just in shorts and t-shirt and saftey shoes. But when I pull the welder out I like to jump into a pair of coveralls to protect my skin, especially if welding under jeep. If you'll be welding, stay away from the "stretch" type coveralls or any coveralls with synthetic material because the synthetic melts (and will melt to skin) and catches fire pretty quickly.
I’ve got a couple from my military days. I’ll wear them in the winter sometime but it’s too hot in my area to wear them in the summer. I’ve never messed up any clothes that I was wearing under them.

That's good to hear. That's encouraging and makes me think I'll give them a try.

I’d say the majority of the time I wear the same few pants or t-shirts that I’ve torn a hole in or got a stain on and wouldn’t wear out somewhere any more. When my wife sees me in them she knows I’m either going to be in the workshop or mowing grass. 😂
Also, they're good for dirt or light grease, but any liquid or heavy grease will go right through them. Right now I just wear old jeans or bdu pants and an old shirt. But I'm considering trying some bibs. Haven't owned any in years, but feel like I could just throw those on for garage days, maybe with a button down work shirt or something when I need long sleeves.

Yup - I've got a whole shelf in the closet with 'garage' jeans, short/long sleeve shirts, hoodies, etc. that are progressing through their clothing life from 'good to wear at family events' to 'day-to-day' to 'just around the house' to 'garage/yard work/painting' to eventually the garbage. :ROFLMAO:

Wondering if coveralls may be an added option for when it's not a garage day but a few mins to an hour in the garage.

According to my wife, yes, you would. Any time she sees me heading out to our shop in regular clothes, she reminds me of the pile of good clothes that became shop clothes after I ruined them doing something that “will take five minutes, and I won’t be near anything dirty!” 🤣🤣🤣

I’ve learned to just change into shop clothes…

I've ruined plenty of good clothes on a 5-min job. Under the hood, on the bench - doesn't matter. The grease, gunk, or that 'staining mud' will find you...!

I walk into the garage in my boxers, jump into my coveralls (I have long sleeved ones) and then put on my garage shoes and gloves. I have noticed that I am considerably less dirty after working on the jeep for hours than previously where I would wear some old jeans and a t-shirt/ sweatshirt.

For me the coveralls were a game changer!

That's a good approach - boxes to coveralls then back to normal clothes (probably with a hand & face wash before the normal clothes). I like it!

Have Carhart for the winter months and also a lighter set of no name for summer. Will usually throw the lighter set in with my recovery gear as wife also has issues with me ruining decent clothes…. Had to laugh at the fact that I also run out to the garage in decent jeans and such for a 5 min repair or mod with out putting on the coveralls or Jeep work clothes and after a few hours come back in the house all covered in gunk. Wife just rolls her eyes at this point. After 43 years of marriage and many Jeeps she gave up lecturing me.👍🏻

Lol - Gotta love marriage when your spouse just knows - 'he's going to ruin that but that dog can't learn a new trick...' Those 5 min mods get you every time...


Appreciate the comments. I'm going to pick up a pair to try it out. Getting a thicker/warmer set and going into them in boxers makes a lot of sense. Change into them by the garage door and toss the good clothes inside to jump back into after I'm done.

Definitely will be welding around them so thanks to @gasiorv for the comment on materials. (y)
I wear a pair of Red Kap that I wear. They are designed a little fuller. I'll get Dickies next because the fit better and are not as loose. I'll cut the sleeves of the Kaps when warmer season arives. But yea, full set of clothes in the summer is a no go. Just wear boxers or your fave under with a tshirt and you'll be fine.
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I usually wear bib overalls for my day to day attire, I keep a pair of coveralls in the shop and slip them on over my overalls if I am going to be doing any kind of dirty work. They are a couple of sizes too big so I can get them on and off easily and not get bound up, I also wear them while wheeling if its gonna be muddy.
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I wear a pair of Red Kap that I wear. They are designed a little fuller. I'll get Dickies next because the fit better and are not as loose. I'll cut the sleeves of the Kaps when warmer season arives. But yea, full set of clothes in the summer is a no go. Just wear boxers or your fave under with a tshirt and you'll be fine.

Curious what you mean here on 'fuller'? Stuffed/warmer?

Funny many of you have mentioned the seasons and I really haven't even been thinking about it - attention on the moment of today. Good thought on maybe needing to buy lighter summer coveralls if warmer winter coveralls work out.
I wear coveralls all the time. Only way to go in my opipion. I had a pair for about 20 years from working on semi-trailers. Finally got tired of them being all torn, pants legs too long etc. Bought two pairs of Dickies. I like the all cotton a lot more then then the blend. My mother-in-law was kind enough to trim and sew the legs and sleeves to the right length. They can get warm in the summer, but I like having something between me and the concrete.
I got the blue military coveralls after seeing Marine tankers at 29 Palms doing vehicle maintenance. They looked clean-ish but that blue hid the grease and oil stains. I was like, that's brilliant.

I came home, bought a pair on ebay pretty cheap and wear them every time I do any vehicle maintenance related to tires, grease, oil, or other messy work. In the summer I throw on shorts and a t-shirt and suit up. In the cooler seasons, I can get jeans and a sweatshirt under there.

I custom hemmed them by folding the extra length up inside the leg and running a stitch holding them in place. Not 100% perfect, but they don't unroll and get caught under my boot heel anymore.