Badlands off road jack $249.99

Makes you wonder how they arrived at that extra 1/4 ton.

Marketing? We're just a little better than the competition?

Or maybe it was a 3 ton and someone looked at it and said, eh... maybe not...

My Hi Lift jack is a central machinery model. Had it twenty plus years and used it countless times. In fact we needed a second I bought a made in the USA actual Hi Lift and it's been nothing but a PIA...took it apart the other day and discovered one of the pin springs was broken and replaced it. Works great now. My friend bought a newer Badlands model and it keeps popping the up down lever.

I have four or five jacks I need to fix.


Stop breaking shit or get better at fixing things!! 😬 🤭

An older dude, in a dog walking group, told me that his AC guy has been fixing his unit for 20 years. I said, "Why don't you tell him to do it right, so he doesn't have to keep coming back." lol his friends liked that one.
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Used my badlands jack tonight to pull tires, break the beads, and install balance beads. SO much easier that trying to fill the beads through the tire stem. I’m pretty happy with it. Rolls nice in the grass, across the concrete, etc. it’s kinda tough to turn, but I figured out that the front will swing pretty easy if you pull it along and have the handle in the down position. You can kinda lift the front then and move it easily.
911 motorsports should be all I need for this little 2 ton jack. Compact and light.

I doubt I will ever use both extensions at once.
