I know I'm going to regret asking this but won't that roll the top of the axle forward/bottom of the axle rearward?The bolt needs to be in the rearmost part of the slot. That would put the widest part of the washer at the front of the slot.
I know I'm going to regret asking this but won't that roll the top of the axle forward/bottom of the axle rearward?The bolt needs to be in the rearmost part of the slot. That would put the widest part of the washer at the front of the slot.
I know I'm going to regret asking this but won't that roll the top of the axle forward/bottom of the axle rearward?
I believe you but I'm gonna have to look at that more closely when I go under my TJ in a few minutes to complete fixing the big-ass hole in my muffler from my last trip through Calico.Axle goes back at the top, forward at the bottom. When it moves forward at the bottom, that moves the bolt rearward in the slot.
I believe you but I'm gonna have to look at that more closely when I go under my TJ in a few minutes to complete fixing the big-ass hole in my muffler from my last trip through Calico.
Axle goes back at the top, forward at the bottom. When it moves forward at the bottom, that moves the bolt rearward in the slot.
Struggling trying to get the toe close. The steering wheel is lined up center. The driver side is sorta ok but when I turn the tie rod to get the toe in the passenger side tire is way ahead of the driver side tire as far as toe in. Turning tie rod makes both tires toe in at the same time. See attached pics. Look how much further the passenger side is toe in.
View attachment 411700
View attachment 411701
View attachment 411702
Ok since you have the tires on go ahead and set the Jeep on the ground. Center your steering wheel and lock the column. Then go ahead and measure and make your adjustments. Once you make an adjustment bounce the bumper a couple times to make sure things are settled before you measure each time. Do not worry too much if is looks like one side is moving more than the other they are connected and that is all that matters. Once you know your toe measures correctly then take it for a drive and see if you need to adjust the draglink at the pitman to center the steering wheel.
OK so you think I'm paying to much attention to the passenger tire being in further than the driver side?
Adjust in this order-OK so you think I'm paying to much attention to the passenger tire being in further than the driver side?
I’m actually fascinated with this thread.
It is all logical. My only question, @Mandolinman you changed to a Stock Pitman, but still have the drop frame Mount for the Drag Link?
Also, is the Hannibal Mask still on this?
Is the steering test on this sight? Anyone care to add a link?