Broken Seat Bolt


Apr 30, 2020
Snapped the two passenger side bench seat bolts removing it. I knew it was a possibility.

have a bolt extractor bit broken in one and the other is drilled through but still stuck. Any suggestions? Thanks

Can you get vice grips on them from the underside? Or weld a nut from underneath.

That's a great idea but IIRC at least a couple passenger side bolts are hidden above heat shields. I'm not sure about those two bolts but even if they are hidden it may be the only way to go.

Whether working from the top or bottom penetrating oil (Kroil is the best) is needed, if it doesn't help enough, a small butane torch might help but be careful with that. Adding oil again after it cools down will help some more.

If the bolt with the hole is hidden from below maybe screwing a smaller bolt into it may let you screw it all the way through until it falls out.

Good luck.
Worst case an air chisel with a round point might knock them out. Especially the one with the hole drilled through. Keep upping the drill bit size until you start to hit threads. Easy-out might work at that point. And keep hitting them with Kroil top and bottom to help get through the rust from both sides.