Cruise control problems


TJ Enthusiast
Supporting Member
Jun 11, 2017
St Augustine, FL, United States
Not that I would use it, but I have it and want it to work, my cruise control doesn't seem to be functioning. I think it is electrical in nature the dash light for it wont even come on. Any thoughts?
More than likely it's the cruise control switches on the steering wheel.

I say that because when I installed my cruise control (it's factory cruise control by the way), the light on the dash came on without the cruise control servo installed under the hood, it just didn't work obviously. But at least I know the light came on.

The other possibility is that your light bulb for the cruise control light is burnt out. Have you actually tried the cruise on the highway and verified it isn't working?
True, it could also be a bad clock spring, but when those fail you lose other things such as turn signals and such.