Dad Jokes


Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2019
Florida Man
My wife is thinking of leaving me because of my obsession with poker.

But I think she's bluffing.

Why don't crabs give to charity?

Because they're shellfish.

My wife asked me to sync her phone, so I threw it into the ocean.

I don’t know why she’s mad at me.
What do you call a guy with no arms and legs....

in a pile of leaves?
- Russell

on a wall?
- Art

on your porch?
- Matt

in your pool?
- Bob
How about Mommy Mommy jokes?

Mommy Mommy I'm 14 when can I wear a bra?

Just go play baseball with the other boys.

Mommy Mommy I don't want to see grandpa.

Just keep digging.
How do you catch an elephant?

One way is, take a telescope, look through it backwards at the elephant, pick up the elephant with a pair of tweezers, then drop him in a milk bottle.

The other way is, get a shovel, go outside, dig a big deep hole, put a bunch of wood in the hole and light it on fire, let it burn until it’s all ash, go get a can of green peas, open it and make a line of peas all the way around the hole.
Then, when the elephant comes to take a pea, kick him in the ash hole.
True story:
We took a walk down by the creek yesterday. I saw this little 6 legged spider. It looked pretty rough. He really looked like he was on his last leg.

This really happened yesterday - my son actually came up with the joke