Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator

Early 2000 exhaust?

On my 1998, I switched to the 2000 down pipe and 2 piece exhaust manifold years ago. I had an issue last year and wanted to purchase a new 2000 down pipe without the cats but was unable to due to the fact no one is making them any longer. I went back to a 1998/1999 style header with the bellows pipes for the 1998 year. You O2 sensor may be ok. Where is the connection on the wiring harness? Passenger side?

The connection is on the passenger side. it goes across the back of the motor bundled with some other connections and goes under the passenger side.
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It seems like if I go that route it would be easier to have a shop just make a new hole to match up with the current location.

Wires are easier to move.

Exhaust holes can leak.

Once you're set up for a 97/98 exhaust then you can throw any header from Banks to cheapo Amazon E-Bays.

Although I'm pretty convinced no further mods needed.

It seems like if I go that route it would be easier to have a shop just make a new hole to match up with the current location.

Just found this... I get a little too into looking for solutions some

Off the wall idea, but my '06 I just got a new Y Pipe since 1 of the Pre Cats went bad. If you were closer I'd give you this one and a piece of rebar to knock out the other Cat. Couple pipe plugs to block the O2 bungs and you'd be set.

Bet you could find a takeoff locally.
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Off the wall idea, but my '06 I just got a new Y Pipe since 1 of the Pre Cats went bad. If you were closer I'd give you this one and a piece of rebar to knock out the other Cat. Couple pipe plugs to block the O2 bungs and you'd be set.

Bet you could find a takeoff locally.

He'd have to have a bung welded in down lowerand plug the down stream bungs below the cats, but that would work.
Just found this...

$346 not too bad.

My ten cents...go with the 97/98 header because there are less pipes and one less exhaust seal.

Less crap in the way...easier to work on.

But your Jeep and your rules...great find! Glad to see there are options out there.

Consider wrapping it in DEI heat wrap. I wish I had done my headers when I installed them.

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$346 not too bad.

My ten cents...go with the 97/98 header because there are less pipes and one less exhaust seal.

Less crap in the way...easier to work on.

But your Jeep and your rules...great find! Glad to see there are options out there.

Consider wrapping it in DEI heat wrap. I wish I had done my headers when I installed them.


I'm just providing options to the OP unltimately it's his decision. I sold my 2000 after I picked up my Rubicon.
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Thank You for the replies everyone. For now, I'm going to check everything over for any leaks or cracks then see what can be cleaned up and reused. since I don't need the cat for proper function I'll just leave that as is and it's cheaper.
Thank You for the replies everyone. For now, I'm going to check everything over for any leaks or cracks then see what can be cleaned up and reused. since I don't need the cat for proper function I'll just leave that as is and it's cheaper.

Just curious what you ended up doing? I just picked up a '00 and I'm in the exact same boat as you. The entire exhaust is covered in rust. I just replaced the cat back, however I'd really like to replace the "Y", "Head", "Mid", pipe...or WTF ever its However I'm also not finding anything with out the cats. I may jusy pop it off, blast it clean, and hit it with some high temp paint.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator