On the way home I swung thru a OR weigh station for grins & giggles just to see what this beast weighs. OR DOT leaves the scales on even when the weigh station isn't in use or manned.
Front axle: 6,400
Rear Axle: 13,750
Trailer Axles: 4,650
Total Weight: 24,800
I was expecting it to be between 23-24K. The Hemi Jeep obviously weighs a little less than mine will but I'd guess I won't be over 25.5K combined weight.
Fuel mileage on the trip was pretty consistent once I'd picked up the Jeep My worst tank was 7.9 MPG when going through Zion NP and then the rest of the way I was getting 8.9-9.3 MPG depending on how much two lane compared to freeway driving I was doing. I don't expect it to improve that much as th engine gets broken in more but we'll see.
Front axle: 6,400
Rear Axle: 13,750
Trailer Axles: 4,650
Total Weight: 24,800
I was expecting it to be between 23-24K. The Hemi Jeep obviously weighs a little less than mine will but I'd guess I won't be over 25.5K combined weight.
Fuel mileage on the trip was pretty consistent once I'd picked up the Jeep My worst tank was 7.9 MPG when going through Zion NP and then the rest of the way I was getting 8.9-9.3 MPG depending on how much two lane compared to freeway driving I was doing. I don't expect it to improve that much as th engine gets broken in more but we'll see.