Insane Cold


Póg mo thóin!
Supporting Member
Jul 1, 2017
Chicago, IL
If you're in the Midwest, please be careful! We're currently sitting at a wind chill of -51 here in the northern Chicagoland area.

Frostbite can set in within mere minutes of exposure!
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Yah, here in northern Indiana we've got -18 right now with a wind chill of about -36 or so. It's supposed to go even colder tomorrow with even more wind (It's gusting to 35mph right now). Thankfully, no additional snow though... Drifting snow is closing lots of roads which is AWESOME, at least, if you own a TJ!!!!!
As a side note, I went out on to my back deck this morning BUCK NEKKID just to prove I could do it. I'm here to tell you that -18 is pretty cold!!! :jump:
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Brother in law sent me this picture earlier this morning. He lives in eastern WI.

That's crazy! It's sunny and 58 here.

Still cold by our standards, but I've never dealt with anything like what you guys are dealing with.
That's crazy! It's sunny and 58 here.

Still cold by our standards, but I've never dealt with anything like what you guys are dealing with.

CO is going to be mid 50s this week, I think yesterday might have been our coldest morning so far this winter at 11 degrees.

My last year as a student at Wyoming we had -53 below for a few days. Real nasty weather. They never once cancelled class though:D

I always said if my wife or I had a chance to move south (AZ, NV), we'd take it in a heartbeat. Id be ok if we never saw another snowflake again.
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It's cold here in Indy, wind chill is at about 20 below. It's amazing how many indoor businesses closed, don't quite understand it...
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My last year as a student at Wyoming we had -53 below for a few days. Real nasty weather. They never once cancelled class though:D

They must be tougher down in Laramie than they are here in Chicago. My classes were cancelled today and for half of tomorrow. People are absolutely losing their minds over "feels like" -37. The students here are claiming that the university asking dining hall employees to come into work is a human/workers rights violation...

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Depends on what is normal.

If families never expect a cold snap, and kids don't have correct clothing, and busses are not set up to run at those cold temperatures, it would be irresponsible to not close the schools.

Even in the NWT, the airlines are only certified to run as cold as 44below. When Yellowkinfe dips below -44C, the jets are grounded.
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Y'all mid-westerners are some hardy people. When it hits 45°f I have to add a hoodie to my shorts and t-shirt. Stay safe.
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I'm in Iowa and it is -32 here, supposedly as low as -60 with windchill. Had to be at work at 4am this morning. Went out at 3:15 to start the TJ, only took one try but did have to take a minute or so easing up on the clutch. Gave her about 20 minutes warming up and drove into work. So far I've been the luckiest one at my job as far as vehicles starting.