Just.Thorne's Tank Green LJ Build

Shop ended up replacing the water pump, Don't know where the oil was coming from as they couldn't find the leak, and and its stopped now.

Still gotta do the
- Trans fluid
- Fix the frame
- Trans skid plate
bunch of other stuff.
Poof... Finals are done, still waiting on grades, but that is out of my hands now. Finally will be able to get some more time into the Jeep again, and be able to work full time and make money to fund the jeep. Haven't done very much the last few weeks due to school.
1. Got the hardtop on for about 2 days while it was in the shop, We were having guests and my mom has been expressing her dislike for the hardtop sitting right next to the garage in plain view, so it go outta the way while i the shop, then moved to the back corner of the yard under a tree.
2. Same time, but got the water pump, Thermostat, belt and coolant replaced at the shop, as well as a proper alignment, so the jeep finally drives right, and isn't destroying my tires from excessive toe-in.
3. I have been absolutely loving the bikini top, it has been on every single day since I got it, rain or shine. although if I had to street park, I may dislike it a little more.
4. The stickers I had printed arrived a week late and about half the size they should be, So one goes inside the tailgate and the rest are getting shoved in a drawer.
5. dug through the storage unit and found some old pic you might like, roughly from 1999-2001.




After all the post-cat exhaust hanger rusted off, and a small fiasco with the distributor sending me a Banks air intake for a 03-07 Ram, My exhaust arrived today, even came with a license plate frame so I can display how much of a "performance machine" my LJ is. Banks Monster Btw, should be going on tomorrow, as well as removing the transfer case skid drop.

