Let's see if this works


Crew Member
Supporting Member
Nov 20, 2015
Quail Valley, CA

I can see it, so that means others should be able to as well. Watch the rig lift the left front but at the same time watch the right side. When the tire on and against the rock is straight ahead or turned left which is the way the rig needs to go, the left side lifts but if you watch closer, any time they turn back to the right even slightly, the left side drops. That repeats over and over. This is a very common thing I see on the trails. The very easy way to work through the problem is just turn right a small amount to let the left side drop and then quickly turn left and get back into it. With some momentum (small amounts), some quick steering with a full understanding of how to control the rig, you can drive right through that without hardly lifting a tire. Try it sometime, it's impressive.
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Somebody smart get in here please as the video isn't working and I'm anxious to see what the heck @mrblaine is referring to

I can see it, so that means others should be able to as well. Watch the rig lift the left front but at the same time watch the right side. When the tire on and against the rock is straight ahead or turned left which is the way the rig needs to go, the left side lifts but if you watch closer, any time they turn back to the right even slightly, the left side drops. That repeats over and over. This is a very common thing I see on the trails. The very easy way to work through the problem is just turn right a small amount to let the left side drop and then quickly turn left and get back into it. With some momentum (small amounts), some quick steering with a full understanding of how to control the rig, you can drive right through that without hardly lifting a tire. Try it sometime, it's impressive.

Looks like private video Blaine .. cannot see it.

I hate how painful facebook makes it to share things in general.
Can't see it but your description seems detailed enough to get the point. Though I suspect the video might help me piece together the physics of why.
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