MML Help

Something along the lines of:

BD1 - guys, just installed mine and feel engine shaking
MORE1- huh, mine are fine
MORE2- so are mine
BD2- did you use proper torque? it is in instructions
MORE2 - torque on MML?
BD1 - no
BD2 - yah, follow instructions, they warn if too tight it will transfer vibes
MORE1- that is dumb
MORE2 - yah that is weird
MORE4 - had mine for 7 decades, no vibes or issues
MORE5 - I dropped a bomb on mine, seems good
MORE3 - Bro, i know right!
Fishtaco - have you guys used Mineral Whale Poop 25w73 oil in your engine? Some Aussie tech recommended it.
MORE6 - i had BD and my Dana 35 exploded over night, Now i have MORE and no problemo
Nice one stretch lol
Interesting. I'll keep an ear out.

But my feedback so far is all positive.
I use to drive a manual that had a "puck" clutch disc. Most people said they weren't suitable for a daily driver but I loved it. What works for some might not work for another. Nothing wrong with that, good to hear feedback either way. Some people run poly mounts and like them too.