New highline option


TJ Addict
Supporting Member
Feb 11, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Saw a few old Indianapolis friends share this, local guy just getting his shop going. Not sure on cost. Shops name is Mullner Fab, he’s on Facebook and Instagram.

< flame suit on >

I kinda like it...
I like these too! I think they look good. It looks like they have a ton of clearance and it's great to see options outside of the typical Metalcloak/Genright/Poison Spyder TJ bolt-on echo chamber. Nothing against Metalcloak but I think these have cleaner lines.


Screen Shot 2021-12-23 at 10.27.25 PM.png
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i don't hate um they look better than some others.
they need to work out an inner fender skin.
doesn't look like the battery moves, so is it moving/opening the back end of the well much?

and the post about cutting, ya man there will be some first class hackery on some hoods if attempted without a pattern.
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Might work for a TJ based buggy or something, but I’m pretty sure most guys will just build their own.