Rubik's cube


TJ Enthusiast
Supporting Member
Jan 26, 2021
Tucson AZ
Who has solved a Rubik's cube in their lifetime? Fun fact. Rubik's is the name of the brand of that type of puzzle. There are may others but the brand has become the household name for what it is. In fact, the Rubik's brand cube is not that good of quality and a bit more expensive than it should be compared to other more quality speed cube puzzles.

My son who's 8 has recently taken up the interest in speed cubes and came home from school one day a couple months ago with one that he says he solved. I didn't believe it because he can't do it again. So naturally I took up the task of trying to learn how to solve one. I found some videos and some algorithms and started playing around. I think the first time I solved it took about a week of picking it up and playing with it a few min a day. (that's what she said) Then I got more serious and tried to memorized the solving algorithms. A couple days ago I was able to solve it using algorithms by memory in 3min 57 seconds. I still only solve it in the beginners way. There are obviously more advanced ways to solve it in lighting speed. I'm not really interested in doing that. The fact that I solved it is good enough for me.

Here are the beginner steps and algorithms that I use to solve it. It's not hard to learn and memorize.

U - stands for Upper side spin clockwise
U' - (U prime) stands for Upper side spin counter clockwise.
' - (Prime) tick mark. Means spin that side counter clockwise.
L - Left side
R - Right side
D - Down, or bottom layer
F - Front layer, facing you
B - Back layer

1. Start by making the white cross with the edge pieces that match their middle piece on their respective side.

2. Turn it upside down with the white middle piece on the bottom and then swing the white corners to the corner they are suppose to go to then do this algorithm. R, U, R', U'. Until the white corner goes down into its spot. Move another corner to above where its suppose to go and repeat until all corners are in their spots and you have a full white face solved.

3. Work on the second later matching up the colors. The middle layer. Start with edge pieces that do not have a yellow in on them. Swing them to the side theyre suppose to go on then do this algorithm. If its suppose to swing down to the left . U', L', U, L, U, F, U', F' If it's suppose to swing down to the right. U, R, U', R', U', F', U, F.

4, Now solve the yellow cross. This step is easy. The algorithm is short. F, R, U, R', U', F' Just keep doing that until you have made a yellow cross. If all you have is the yellow dot in the middle, you will need to do the algorithm 3 times. If you have a left facing L then you will need to do the algorithm twice. If you have a straight line horizontal in the middle, you only need to do the algorithm once to get the yellow cross.

5. Now solve the yellow edges. The way I memorized this algorithm is because you are solving "edges". The band member named "the edge" is from the band U2. This algorithm has the move "u2" in it. R, U, R', U, R, U2, R', U. Basically, I just said the algorithm repeatedly with a cadence a million times until I memorized it. What this does is match up the edge pieces with their respect colors to match the center pieces on their side. If you get lucky it will also place the corner pieces in their right places. If that happens you can skip this next step.

6. Put the yellow corners in their places. U', R, U', L', U, R', U', L When solving the yellow corners, you might have one corner in its place already. Put that corner in the bottom right-hand side of the top when holding it. Then do the algorithm. What that does is rotate the other 3 corners until they are in the right spots.

7. Solve the cube. I kept doing this algorithm wrong by messing up one move, and it completely ruins the cube. You have to start all over. Super frustrating when you are that close to being done. The algorithm is simple. R', D', R, D What this does is move the corner pieces until they are rotated and facing the right way but you HAVE TO FINISH THE WHOLE ALGORITHM. Even if you got the piece faced the right way before the algorithm is done. FINISH IT. Then move the U layer once to bring the next corner piece to the bottom right on the top and do the algorithm again. At this point it looks like your cube is totally messed up. It's pretty intimidating at this point. Just keep doing the algorithm. Eventually you will have a completely solved Rubik's cube.
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I haven't timed my more recent solves, but I'm guessing right around 2min.

I don't know why but the rubik's cube has always been something that intrigued me over the years. Probably because it was something that I couldn't do but I saw other people solving it so easily. I remember being at a house party one time and this guy was the center of the conversation talking about how he was learning how to solve the cube. Explaining different algorithms and what it takes to solve the cube etc... Real life of the party. :\ I remember thinking that guy was the gayest dork I'd ever seen.
Solving a Rubik's cube without knowing or following any kind of algorithm is EXTEMELY difficult and lucky. The odds of doing that are far and beyond greater than winning the megamillions or powerball lottery.
Solving a Rubik's cube without knowing or following any kind of algorithm is EXTEMELY difficult and lucky. The odds of doing that are far and beyond greater than winning the megamillions or powerball lottery.

This was over a long time (months) messing with it while watching TV at my grandma’s as a kid. Back then I had never seen a speed run or know they existed. There was no internet to look it up and I didn’t read the kinds of books or magazines that would teach me.

She also had one of those triangle things with the golf tees I eventually had that figured out where I could end with the final peg in several different pre-chosen spots. Cracker Barrel has them now and I can’t remember how I did it.
I haven't timed my more recent solves, but I'm guessing right around 2min.

I don't know why but the rubik's cube has always been something that intrigued me over the years. Probably because it was something that I couldn't do but I saw other people solving it so easily. I remember being at a house party one time and this guy was the center of the conversation talking about how he was learning how to solve the cube. Explaining different algorithms and what it takes to solve the cube etc... Real life of the party. :\ I remember thinking that guy was the gayest dork I'd ever seen.

Previous job, had a coworker that couldn't seem to start work unless his Rubik's cube was solved. He was an engineer and completely worthless in that and any technical regard but he had the algorithm memorized and could solve it in a few minutes. Me and another guy ended up getting called into my bosses office and told not to mess with the stuff on this guy's desk anymore because he was always the last one there in the morning and we'd scrambled the cube daily for about 2 weeks straight and he'd tattled on us.
Previous job, had a coworker that couldn't seem to start work unless his Rubik's cube was solved. He was an engineer and completely worthless in that and any technical regard but he had the algorithm memorized and could solve it in a few minutes. Me and another guy ended up getting called into my bosses office and told not to mess with the stuff on this guy's desk anymore because he was always the last one there in the morning and we'd scrambled the cube daily for about 2 weeks straight and he'd tattled on us.

That's hilarious. I would actually take the scramble as a challenge and get different people to scramble it however they wanted.
I was at a Poker game where a guy liked showing us how quickly he could solve it after we messed it up. Another guy promised he had no idea how to solve it using the tricks/algorithm, but bet the first guy he could 'figure it out' by watching him do it once. So they bet $40, someone else held the money.

So he went out to his car and got a small flat head screwdriver. Took it apart, and put it back together 'solved' and pocketed the $40. He didn't miss a Poker hand while doing this (which was the main concern of everyone else). The first guy was not happy, but the wording of the bet allowed for it to be 'solved' and didn't specify how. He said you solve the puzzle one way, I solved it a different way.
One of the speed cubes we have is a bit loose and the cubes feel like they are on a small elastic band. In fact, you're actually able to pull a cube out a bit and spin it around in its place. Which renders the cube unsolvable. My son did this on accident once and I probably tried to solve it a dozen times before I realized that's what happened. I have used this cube and solved it so many times it's a bit worn out so when I try to spin an algorithm too fast and I'm not careful I can spin a cube in its place.
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Back story to this thread. I'm off work for 4 months. First month I did 100 pushups a day. Had a kid. Second month I solved the Rubik's cube. 3rd month I'm losing about 20lbs. 4th month I'm not sure what I want to do.
Back story to this thread. I'm off work for 4 months. First month I did 100 pushups a day. Had a kid. Second month I solved the Rubik's cube. 3rd month I'm losing about 20lbs. 4th month I'm not sure what I want to do.

that would be dangerous for me. I'd be looking for what I could do to the Jeep during that free time and it's ALL expensive.
Design a Jeep immobilizer that won't let it start till you solve the Rubik's Cube.

LOL idk about that. Would be interesting tho. They have those automatic robot cube solvers. Would have to get into the programming to run a circuit to the car to start it once you put the cube in and it sees its already solved. It's doable. If I had no job and lotto money that would be a fun project.
There used to be one in the break room at a bakery where I worked (we made the sourdough bread for Cracker Barrel), I tried it a few times with no success. Oddly enough you would see it solved laying on the table never did know who was doing it. We also had a few of the triangle peg games in there as well, people would get angry at the triangle games.
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