The wife hates the doors being off


New Member
Jun 6, 2024
Cincinnati Ohio
Hello all. I took your advice from my previous post and filled up the tank with some good gas, added a can of seafoam and went for a nice drive with the doors off our newly acquired 2002 TJ.
I quickly found out that the wife HATES having the doors off. She’s scared to death she’s going to fall out and holding onto the grab handle for dear life 😂.
I on the other hand love it.
I currently have some door off mirrors mounted on the A pillar.
I would like to have the capability of leaving the door off mirrors mounted to the jeep and add the half doors without the factory mirrors installed when the wife is with me.
So my question is what does it look underneath the mirrors on the half doors and do they make a plate or something to cover up the mirror mounting holes?

I’ve also finally attaching some pics of our Jeep.




Varies, pull the mirrors and polish and add plugs in the holes or make covers from any rigid stock and bolt on.

1/2 doors are the best compromise.

We understand a womans’ fear of falling out.

We also understand our fear of one staying in.

The old whining noise from the passenger seat. Very problematic.
Trade places and let her drive , the driver always has a hold of the wheel !
I wonder if you would ever grab the bar when she's driving . :p
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Sounds like you need to trade in for a different model. I hope your new one likes having the doors off

Sorry I don’t know about the half doors

I was gonna say I know a lot of guys who have had more than one wife and of those, very few have had Jeeps so it seems wives are easier to find than Jeeps.
Mirror relocation brackets are available from a lot of sources. Mine came with my idea whose they are...but they are rusting and need replaced.

Not visibility out the passenger side is often compromised. I added a third arm for better visibility.


When you take the mirrors off you should just find threaded holes. Leave them open or put some decorative screw in them.
A Jeep with the top and doors off is the most fun you can have on four wheels. As for the wife, she can either learn to deal with it or find some other mode of transportation. If she's properly wearing her seatbelt, she CAN'T fall out.
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We understand a womans’ fear of falling out.

We also understand our fear of one staying in.

The old whining noise from the passenger seat. Very problematic.

In all seriousness I bought my jeep thinking offroading would be a great family activity. First and only time the wife and kids were terrified and screaming in my ear the whole day. Very unnerving. So, since then, Just like the George Thorogood song I Drink Alone, just substitute Drink with Drive.
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Put one of the carnival ride harness's on the passenger seat and leave those doors off!

In all seriousness, the half doors are still fun. Hopefully she is more comfortable with those.
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1/2 doors are the answer.

I agree. I find that half doors don't significantly diminish the open-door experience and are just as enjoyable. Even more so, really, because they give me an armrest and when the weather changes it's a lot easier to deal with uppers than doors.
It is an aquired taste, but after awhile my wife felt better about it. She was mostly afraid for the kids, but they are cool with it. Gonna take the doors and top of tomorrow, gonna be 90's this week.
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It is an aquired taste, but after awhile my wife felt better about it. She was mostly afraid for the kids, but they are cool with it. Gonna take the doors and top of tomorrow, gonna be 90's this week.

It took a few years to get my wife to realize glass not protective or structural, and therefore the Jeeps occupants are no less protected than those of any of our other vehicles, in that regard. I had to use cargo nets on the sides for a while. She hasn't said anything yet this year...
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My wife and kids love riding with the doors off. In fact my middle daughter will take the doors off if I dont feel like it just to run 3 miles across town to Walmart.

They've been riding in sketchy stuff since they were born though. When they were tiny I had a K5 I modified the doors to come off of and it was just lap belts in the back. They had to hold their shoes in their laps so they didn't go though the holes in the floor boards. :LOL:
My wife was so worried about the doors off too.

I was like, “babe, your brothers ride motorcycles.” She was thinking about it. 🤔 Then I said, “don’t get on a bicycle or a 4-wheeler.” All that wore off pretty quick.