Three Jeeps destroyed in seconds

Yep, don't drink and drive even on trails, huh?(y)

When I was the leader on trails with groups; I made it VERY clear that no alcohol would be allowed UNTIL the run was over…. I was not going to be responsible for someone drinking doing stupid things and endangering himself and others. I received comments quite a few times and my response to them was; IF they don’t like my rules then go wheel with another group.
I don't think alcohol was the problem here, rather than just inexperience or plain stupidity. If the vehicle with the dashcam was on a slope, this may have been quite a steep hill. To me, it looks like the guy tried to get up in 2WD, because I see only the rear wheels spinning. It would explain why the car started to do weird things. Going downhill like that on a steep hill can get unstoppable quickly. A pity that there is no explanation to that video.
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When I was the leader on trails with groups; I made it VERY clear that no alcohol would be allowed UNTIL the run was over…. I was not going to be responsible for someone drinking doing stupid things and endangering himself and others. I received comments quite a few times and my response to them was; IF they don’t like my rules then go wheel with another group.

If people learned to drive while drinking I think it would go a lot better.