You never really know your neighbors


Staff Member
Ride of the Month Winner
Sep 28, 2015
Gillette, WY
When we moved to Arizona on June 6th, we met many of our neighbors shortly after moving in. Several houses down the street from us there were two married men who moved here a few years ago from New York. Both of them were very, very nice, warm, and welcoming. We talked to them on many occasions, went over to their house a few times, and were just very neighborly in general.

They had told us upon first meeting them that they had 14 children living in their home. All of them were boys, and they ranged from ages 7-20. I didn't know how this was possible since they only had 6 bedrooms (one being theirs), but they told me they had multiple kids sleeping in the same bedroom. Still, I thought that was a bit odd that they would adopt that many kids.

Well, it's been quite a while since I've seen or heard from them, and I was starting to wonder why. Today I found out that on July 31st (we were gone apparently) the cops had been out to their house in full force with CPS. Apparently some of the boys living there had called the cops and said they were being sexually abused. I'm told that the boys took audio and video recordings as well to back-up their claims. They were saying it had been going on for years now, but they finally felt like they needed to come forward.

They said it was just one of the dads who was doing the abusing, which in turn he was arrested. His husband posted bail for him and apparently he has been living in some hotel for months now since he can't go back to the home. I also came to find out that all of these kids were foster kids that they ended up adopting in New York and then bringing with them when they moved to Arizona. All of these kids also have some sort of disability or another. None of them are handicapped in the traditional way, but I believe they have learning disabilities and such. I've met the kids (most of them), and they all seem very socially awkward to say the least.

Well, this answers my other question I've had since we moved in of how in the hell do these guys have to much money. They have multiple BMWs, a CanAm Maverick, an insanely nice house inside-and-out, and a backyard with a pool to die for. As it turns out, the reason they were fostering / adopting so many kids (with disabilities too) is that they've been making tons of money off the government for each kid, which explains everything.

Talk about a crazy situation to have happen on the same street as us. All this time these guys seemed like the most normal, nice guys you could meet. It would appear that you really can't judge a book by it's cover, because clearly there are some demons that have been hiding in the dark.

All I can say is that this really rattles me 😲
I mean you have to feel bad for those kids. As if they all already haven't been through enough bullshit with the foster system. Talk about crazy though. You think you know your neighbors, but I guess you never know how people are being closed doors.
I mean you have to feel bad for those kids. As if they all already haven't been through enough bullshit with the foster system. Talk about crazy though. You think you know your neighbors, but I guess you never know how people are being closed doors.

The foster system is corrupt as any other government agency.

Sexual predators are EXPERTS at being normal, transparent people.

This is why 99% of sex offenders are family or neighbors. People you know and trust.
My mom worked Office of Children and Youth (OCY) here in Erie, PA for 26 years. She was so emotionally drained every day when she came home. I often wonder how I'd react if I were the one who caught those freak sickos messing with kids like that. We might be sharing a cell together 😫🤛
yikes. I've had some weirdly passive aggressive neighbors but it's never progressed beyond a mild annoyance. Certainly never had anything like that.

I did get the scoop when I moved in here about the house across the street. Apparently last year there was a big drug bust on an illegal marijuana grow. Hidden cameras collecting evidence for weeks ahead of the bust, SWAT vans, the whole shebang. It was rented at the time, now the owner has moved back into it.
Damn dude, I remember you posting about them awhile back. That's incredibly fucked up.
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My next door neighbors are nice, but interesting. Their oldest daughter is unfortunately hooked on drugs and has kids with 2 different guys. Earlier this year she was doing better and living with them again, but things went south and they kicked her out again. She came back a few weeks later and stole their car in the middle of the night. After like 2 months the cops actually found the car and they got it back, then they just sold it to a friend of my neighbor on the other side.

Her dad is really out there too. Nice guy, but he has done some damage to his brain with substances over the years. He has diabetes that he doesn't manage, so the ambulance has been to their house numerous times to take him to the hospital. It's kind of nuts over there, but at least their younger daughter got out of the house and seems to be doing good.
Sucks that is happening to kids anywhere. When I was in the Navy I was in the same command as this one Petty Officer. He was arrested for abusing his wife's three daughters. That one still stuns me. We did not work closely and I was not his department head but I still saw him every day until he was arrested.
5 bucks says whomever gave the OK to them to have that many (male) foster children was involved.

Watch the rest of your neighbors, @Chris, it's contagious.

Edit: Whoever? Third-person pedophile is confusing.
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Wow, unfortunately not surprising. I made the mistake of doing an internship with the police department in my own town during college. I learned about allll the crazy wackos that lived in my small quiet community.
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Two guys married and living with a bunch of male children?

Yeah there's nothing wrong there.
When I told my wife about all this, I mentioned to her that at the risk of sounding like a "homophobe", I would think that two gay males with 14 all-male children in a household would have raised some kind of a red flag with someone. Now, if the children had been a mixture of male and female, then perhaps it wouldn't have stood out so much to me. Maybe just a pink flag would've been raised... :unsure: ;)