Taking a knee conversations

I could, but then I’d have to kill you.

But someone already understood.

I was being 100% serious. From my perspective and understanding, you made a very oblique reference that went right past me, so I no longer have any idea what you're talking about. I would like to understand, but if you don't care to explain, no biggie; I don't hold it against you.
I was being 100% serious. From my perspective and understanding, you made a very oblique reference that went right past me, so I no longer have any idea what you're talking about. I would like to understand, but if you don't care to explain, no biggie; I don't hold it against you.

I'll run with the direction I was headed, rightly or wrongly.

A black gay woman is in a fairly unique position to understand multiple fronts of societal inequality and marginalization. Organizing something like BLM isn't too far of a stretch in the realm of things that hit close to home in the larger interests of social justice.
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Most in this state of Massachusetts don’t want to offend anyone, keep up the good work!

Ahh, I thought that was gonna go a different way!

I've found as long as you're not in the city, MA is a lot less liberal than most think.

I had the opportunity to read a lot of posts from a guy who we knew as pragmatic, very straight forward and not given to embellishments. His day by day reports of what was actually going on, what the evidence was, and what type of person Brown was had exactly nothing to do with what the media showed. The info about the protesters, paid ones, the organization of them and by whom, where they were supposed to go, how they were supposed act in order to show the best of them protesting was just bizarre to me. There is a very concerted effort to direct the narrative by some folks and I don't believe it is our best interests.

Many of the protesters were bussed in from other states to help bolster the narrative. This was not too long after the Zimmerman shooting in FL and the media as well as the outside agitators inflamed an already volatile situation. Rest assured anytime race baiters Sharpton or Jackson insert themselves into a situation they will fan the flames of racism. That is the only way they can survive.
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I would venture to bet that is true in most metro areas.

Get away from the big urban areas and you will find the regular salt of the earth people are pragmatic, sensible and conservative in their belief system and how they live their lives. Again, the wisdom of the electoral college becomes apparent in the vision the Founders possessed.
Many of the protesters were bussed in from other states to help bolster the narrative. This was not too long after the Zimmerman shooting in FL and the media as well as the outside agitators inflamed an already volatile situation. Rest assured anytime race baiters Sharpton or Jackson insert themselves into a situation they will fan the flames.
The "witness" had some stuff that was just bizarre. Sitting in a booth at a diner and overhearing the discussion from protesters he had seen earlier on the lines about per diem and how much it was, which bus was better, where the hot spots were that the media was covering and similar.

The command from the State police to remove their vests and other protective gear so they looked less military. Really left them open to more damage if it turned violent.
Get away from the big urban areas and you will find the regular salt of the earth people are pragmatic, sensible and conservative in their belief system and how they live their lives. Again, the wisdom of the electoral college becomes apparent in the vision the Founders possessed.

I grew up away from the big urban area. I didn't really see any more or less pragmatic and sensible people than I have encountered in the various big cities I have lived in and spent time in. There are just more people crammed together. Oddly, some of the most immoral, unethical people I have encountered are from my small town childhood.
I grew up away from the big urban area. I didn't really see any more or less pragmatic and sensible people than I have encountered in the various big cities I have lived in and spent time in. There are just more people crammed together.

Perhaps my view is tainted by the fact that I seek these areas out and shun the big metropolitan areas.
Small is a very subjective word when talking about town size. I've lived in large metropolitan cities as well as the current town of less than 1000 people and places with populations in between most of my life. I'm my experience small towns have both liberal and conservative view just like large urban areas. The major difference being small towns people usually tend to lean more toward the center than the extreme. Small towns are a great place to live because community seems tighter knit and usually people will go out of their way to help each other out.
This is the thing so many miss. You are your own person off the clock but a representative of your employer on the clock.
Not off the clock. Kids around here get in trouble at school for stuff they do outside of school.
Same with work. You can’t be smoking weed on a Friday night, return to work on Monday and think you got job security.
The NFL already violates the flag code in several ways, so how are CK's antics that much worse?
Essentially, using a wrong or impropriety as justification to ignore or condone a separate wrong or impropriety is the mark of a fool. Put succinctly, two wrongs don't make a right. That and there is the obvious, if the NFL is indeed in violation of the flag code, they are not doing it in protest of socially perceived injustice. It is also their venue and they have right to treat it as they see fit. If enough folks are in disagreement to turn their money elsewhere, the violations will stop.
I've always found that the biggest difference between big city and small town folks is that they tend not to really understand each other.

There's exceptions to every rule, but my experience has been that generally small town people are usually better at managing relationships on a personal basis with other people that are more genuine. At the same time, when it comes to people far away or different, they're less likely to really be open or trusting of them, which is why you don't really find anything resembling social justice warriors outside city limits.

On the other end, city dwellers are great at being open minded and understanding of people they've never met in a lot of ways. However, when it comes to actually interacting with other people, they're less warm and less reliable. They are less pragmatic in some ways maybe (I mean, they're at least less likely to see a gun as a tool), but that additional pragmatism of rural folk is generally restricted by traditional guidelines, especially when it comes to religious stuff.
I was being 100% serious. From my perspective and understanding, you made a very oblique reference that went right past me, so I no longer have any idea what you're talking about. I would like to understand, but if you don't care to explain, no biggie; I don't hold it against you.
No, I just didn’t have much time at the time and I thought @jjvw caught my thinking. I’m still swamped, but I was doing some background reading on BLM and it appeared to be another segway into a special interest groups rights type of movement, but more all-encompassing; blending all minority groups whether ethnic or moral into one pot. Seemed highly suspect rather than legitimate.
I've always found that the biggest difference between big city and small town folks is that they tend not to really understand each other.

There's exceptions to every rule, but my experience has been that generally small town people are usually better at managing relationships on a personal basis with other people that are more genuine. At the same time, when it comes to people far away or different, they're less likely to really be open or trusting of them, which is why you don't really find anything resembling social justice warriors outside city limits.

On the other end, city dwellers are great at being open minded and understanding of people they've never met in a lot of ways. However, when it comes to actually interacting with other people, they're less warm and less reliable. They are less pragmatic in some ways maybe (I mean, they're at least less likely to see a gun as a tool), but that additional pragmatism of rural folk is generally restricted by traditional guidelines, especially when it comes to religious stuff.
The urban folk are just as religious, just not traditional religion. That’s where they seem to be confused. Bc they don’t subscribe to a traditional religion they ASSUME without any warrant, they are not religious.

Their forebears, the Greeks, were not as ignorant.
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