Home Buying & Selling (Third Time is a Charm)


Staff Member
Ride of the Month Winner
Sep 28, 2015
Gillette, WY
For those of you who remember (or better yet, for those who even care), we were selling our house here in Oregon to move to Arizona. Having never sold a house before, I was fortunate enough to be in a buyers market. We bought our home in Oregon for 235k in 2016, and sold in on April 10th, 2020 for 350k. So I would say we made out quite nicely.

Of course we had to deal with some seriously stupid buyers who I was unwilling to bend-over backwards for (only because this is a buyers market and we had multiple offers). That deal fell through, and we took the backup offer, which was actually better. Unfortunately the backup buyers were so picky that their list of repairs including changing out a burnt lightbulb over the kitchen sink, and vacuuming out the dryer ducts :rolleyes: (among other petty things).

Needless to say, I sucked it up and took care of everything, because the COVID-19 thing hit right during the middle of closing, and I didn't want to risk losing the deal.

Well, we ended up selling the house successfully, and I feel like maybe it happened right in the nick of time as well, since there is no telling how this COVID-19 economy collapse will affect the real estate market.

Anyhow, we're now in a tiny apartment for 1-2 months while we find a house in Arizona. You may recall that we had two other homes in Arizona we really liked. The first one fell through due to some serious issues with the home inspection and about 40-50k worth of estimated repairs. The second one fell through on my end, because apparently while my mortgage broker thought I might be able to get approved for a new home while I already owned a home, that didn't quite work out due to income.

So, now we are in a much better situation. I have 20% down, no contingency, home paid off, and we're good to go. From my understanding, everything should work out great this time around.

It didn't take more than a few days before we found our new home, and I feel like maybe everything happened for a reason, because we like this one better than all the others:

We made an offer, they accepted, and we are now in the 10-day inspection period.

It had been on the market for 54 days, which is highly unusual in Arizona. Come to find out it was because the roof is a solar roof, and whoever buys the home has to take over the solar lease, which still has 16 years left on it.

They provided me with a copy of the solar lease addendum, and it is $221 a month for the next 16 years.

While that sounds like a lot, I made them provide me with their electricity bills from May to September (peak months in Arizona), and they are only paying $20-$28 per month during the hottest period of the year.

I talked to my realtor and a number of others I know in Arizona, and they said given the size of the home (3369 sq/ft), that's actually a very good cost for an electric bill during Summer months.

In the end I may end up saving a small amount over a traditional electric setup, but I shouldn't end up losing anything.

Anyhow, here's to hoping this deal works out. If all goes as planned, we are supposed to close May 10th, but we told the sellers we are flexible, since they still need to move out (the husband is a Mesa police officer).

I can't help but feeling like everything that happened, happened for a reason, and that we are here and now because of what I'd like to refer to as "blessings in disguise".
Happy for you and hope this one works out. Glad you were able to sell and get rid of your Salem house as I think Covid-19 will negatively impact the real-estate market this spring in summer.
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Happy for you and hope this one works out. Glad you were able to sell and get rid of your Salem house as I think Covid-19 will negatively impact the real-estate market this spring in summer.

It remains to be seen, but I am thinking that it will have a profound affect as well. If that is the case, I literally couldn’t have timed it better. Which is funny, because I had no idea any of this was going to happen when I listed it for sale.
Congrats on all of that. I'm in the process of buying a house as well. This is my first time buying a house. I was offered a job 3 hours away from where I was currently living back in Feb with a starting date of late March. So every weekend I was coming down looking at houses, some weeks even coming mid week since the market was moving so fast. After numerous unsuccessful offers on various houses finally got an a offer accepted. Sounds like you and I will be closing within a few days of each other. My new place has 2 garages, one has room for 3 vehicles plus tools and built in cabinets on one end (plus 2 220 outlets for my welder and an air compressor) and has a separate furnace, while the other garage is a slightly oversized 2 car (this one will probably be more of my woodworking space and home gym). House is a little smaller than I had planned but since I'm just a bachelor living by myself no need for all the extra space right now. $122k after negotiations for a 1,400sqft house, 5 garage spaces, on .57 of an acre, I'll take it.
Congrats, I hope you get it. The house looks amazing. Did you stash enough $$$ aside to get yourself a TJ? 😉

I did indeed ;)

33 miles from me. Maybe I'll see you in the desert! Good luck!

Yep, looks like I'll be reasonably close to some wheeling spots, so I suspect we'll cross paths at some point.

Congrats on all of that. I'm in the process of buying a house as well. This is my first time buying a house. I was offered a job 3 hours away from where I was currently living back in Feb with a starting date of late March. So every weekend I was coming down looking at houses, some weeks even coming mid week since the market was moving so fast. After numerous unsuccessful offers on various houses finally got an a offer accepted. Sounds like you and I will be closing within a few days of each other. My new place has 2 garages, one has room for 3 vehicles plus tools and built in cabinets on one end (plus 2 220 outlets for my welder and an air compressor) and has a separate furnace, while the other garage is a slightly oversized 2 car (this one will probably be more of my woodworking space and home gym). House is a little smaller than I had planned but since I'm just a bachelor living by myself no need for all the extra space right now. $122k after negotiations for a 1,400sqft house, 5 garage spaces, on .57 of an acre, I'll take it.

Damn, for that price, how can you argue?

I'd say as a bachelor that's a hell of a nice setup to have. The home buying process is excruciating, especially in a hot market like we've been dealing with. I finally told my realtor I don't want her to hesitate. I said the moment I tell you I like a house, PUT IN AN OFFER. I don't care if I haven't seen it yet. I've seen the photos, I've seen the Google satellite view, street view, and the 3D model... we like it.

Of course selling a home can be painful too, as we experienced. Some buyers are just so crazy with nitpick, petty little stuff.
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Ever seen a 3D tour / model of a home guys?

Check this out:


My realtor sent me that before we put in the offer. I really like this, because it allowed us to basically be inside of the home without actually being there in person. She said a lot of people are doing this now due to the whole COVID-19 thing.

So basically we didn't even have to see the house, we just made an offer based on this 3D tour, Google street view, Google Maps satellite view, and some more research.

Inspection should be taking place this week.
That’s only a few miles from where I’m at. You’re very close to endless trails in the mineral mountain area. It’s been my playground while I’m waiting out the apocalypse. Look up east cottonwood canyon Road on the map. I’m jealous of how close you are. Go online and buy a state trust land permit. Less than $20 and they come in handy. This was last weekends run up to the old Raymert mine with my dad.
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I have not seen the "First Annual TJ Forum Pool Party" listed on the events calendar yet.

I have some envy, we still have not put ours on the market yet. We have looked at some new build and open houses, yet, we have not found "the one". There are 2K houses on the market, if you put a minimum of 1 acre, the list drops to 60, everything is right on top of each other. We found two we love, but we will have to enter the $500K market, that's a huge commitment for a damn house.
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That’s only a few miles from where I’m at. You’re very close to endless trails in the mineral mountain area. It’s been my playground while I’m waiting out the apocalypse. Look up east cottonwood canyon Road on the map. I’m jealous of how close you are. Go online and buy a state trust land permit. Less than $20 and they come in handy. This was last weekends run up to the old Raymert mine with my dad. View attachment 152458View attachment 152459

Oh wow, that's absolutely awesome. Now I know I'll have some places to explore for sure.

This is one of the reasons I wanted to live a bit further out, because I knew there would be a lot more places to explore like this.

What does the state trust land permit do?

I have not seen the "First Annual TJ Forum Pool Party" listed on the events calendar yet.

I have some envy, we still have not put ours on the market yet. We have looked at some new build and open houses, yet, we have not found "the one". There are 2K houses on the market, if you put a minimum of 1 acre, the list drops to 60, everything is right on top of each other. We found two we love, but we will have to enter the $500K market, that's a huge commitment for a damn house.

Oh yeah, 500k is a big commitment. What's funny is that house we are buying would cost probably 1 million up here in Oregon, which is just nuts.
Congrats! I'd move to AZ in a heartbeat.

We were recently going to list our home for sale and move a bit further north (we both commute about 80 miles a day to our jobs). Then covid19 happened, we put everything on hold for now and ended up refinancing instead. Silverlining with everything that is happening is that rates are incredibly low right now.
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What does the state trust land permit do?

A lot of the land around AZ (east valley especially) is designated as State Trust land. A land permit is required for recreational use. Unless you’re hunting then a permit is not required. However target shooting is not allowed. You’ll have to pass trust land to get to the BLM land. I’ve never been checked but it’s cheap and prevents a hefty fine.
A lot of the land around AZ (east valley especially) is designated as State Trust land. A land permit is required for recreational use. Unless you’re hunting then a permit is not required. However target shooting is not allowed. You’ll have to pass trust land to get to the BLM land. I’ve never been checked but it’s cheap and prevents a hefty fine.

Very cool! I'll be getting one of these permits as soon as I get there, and then I'll start exploring. Looks like there's a lot of places I can check out, which means endless fun for me. The kids might like it too.
Congrats and best of luck on your home purchase. Looks like a nice place. If you don't mind, what made AZ your destination of choice? We recently moved to New Mexico.

We recently closed on selling our house in the Baltimore suburbs. We were so lucky with the timing. The February weekend it hit the market was beautiful weather and this was before the virus thing really hit in the US. We had so many offers we had to start telling them not to bother. Ended up closing on March 20 at 65K OVER asking price. We thought we would need to drop the price at least 10K.

We were so lucky with the timing. Lucky with the weather. Lucky with the market, nothing comparable available in the area. I have to think the virus thing by now has slowed things down dramatically. A lot of people have seen the value of their investments drop. Jobs are in jeopardy. Crazy times.
Congrats and best of luck on your home purchase. Looks like a nice place. If you don't mind, what made AZ your destination of choice? We recently moved to New Mexico.

We recently closed on selling our house in the Baltimore suburbs. We were so lucky with the timing. The February weekend it hit the market was beautiful weather and this was before the virus thing really hit in the US. We had so many offers we had to start telling them not to bother. Ended up closing on March 20 at 65K OVER asking price. We thought we would need to drop the price at least 10K.

We were so lucky with the timing. Lucky with the weather. Lucky with the market, nothing comparable available in the area. I have to think the virus thing by now has slowed things down dramatically. A lot of people have seen the value of their investments drop. Jobs are in jeopardy. Crazy times.

The weather is the reason for the move to Arizona. I lived there from 2008-2012, and I absolutely loved the weather, heat included.

Oregon is a nice place, but the Willamette Valley (where we are moving from) is a miserable, rainy, soggy, and terrible place to live IMHO).

My wife also suffers from seasonal depression, which gets very, very bad up here in Oregon, especially with how gloomy and rainy it always is.

Your story is similar to mine then. We listed our house in early February before any of this COVID-19 thing was on the radar. We got multiple offers, the weather started turning unexplainably nice, and we sold the house for way more than what we paid.

Given the way things are now, I can't help but feel like the timing just worked out so perfectly, which was completely unintentional. The crazy thing is too, my wife kept telling me to wait until Summer to list the house, but I pushed her for getting it on the market in late winter / early spring.

I'm sure glad I won that argument 😲