Apple Watch banned from sale in US

I/rest of family only switched to iPhones because we finally got tired of Googles messaging app bullshit. iMessage is by FAR the superior messaging app between the two. Fuck, at one point Google had like, what, 3-4? different fucking messaging apps out at the same god damn time. Even though the name was stupid, Google should have went balls deep in their Hangouts app and made it was iMessage is. But nope, they did what they always do and just slowly start stripping features away and EOL'd it and came out with another half baked app.
What is your method for that? I haven't liked the dock options for Mac, much less Windows either. To be fair, he's saying Apple didn't adopt that model, which they don't. Doesn't mean you can't dock, but Apple doesn't officially offer anything to support docking solutions.

Not an apple computer user but I use a dell dock to run my monitors and for all the USB stuff. The only connection needed on my Dell version of a surface is a USB-C port, charges too.
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Not an apple computer user but I use a dell dock to run my monitors and for all the USB stuff. The only connection needed on my Dell version of a surface is a USB-C port, charges too.

I have somehow burned through a few of those. Not that exact model number, but several very similar Dell docks. I would be classified as a heavy user though, as I use it 8-10 hours a day, 5-6 days a week at work. The first one the ethernet port quit working. Second one would no longer charge the laptop (though laptop said it was charging, the dock would not put out enough power to charge). Third one had the same power issue but that would come and go...some days it would work fine again.

Bought the 2 monitors I did and once I figured out how to hook it all up properly, I have not had a single issue in a year.
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I have somehow burned through a few of those. Not that exact model number, but several very similar Dell docks. I would be classified as a heavy user though, as I use it 8-10 hours a day, 5-6 days a week at work. The first one the ethernet port quit working. Second one would no longer charge the laptop (though laptop said it was charging, the dock would not put out enough power to charge). Third one had the same power issue but that would come and go...some days it would work fine again.

Bought the 2 monitors I did and once I figured out how to hook it all up properly, I have not had a single issue in a year.

I'm on my second over several years but it's only because the new laptop only had USB-C ports. Never had an issue. I'm docked all week and only undock on weekends or when traveling. Never had an issue.
I got a set of 2 Dell U2722DE "USB-C hub" monitors, and I got it to where I have full docking station functionality, plentiful USB ports, all on the two monitors and everything hooks up to my laptop with one single USB-C cable (and Monitor 1 charges the laptop). A simple stand to hold the laptop vertically while the cable is plugged in and my desk setup at work is without a doubt the most useful it has ever been. Others seem to have good luck with docks but I have not had that experience.
I understand. We had good luck with HP's (commercial) laptops and docking stations for the most part. There was one turd of a laptop model - something like an "NC-80" or somesuch that I was very glad to see the last of those! I think though that that particular model was an inherited design from when HP bought Compaq. *shrug*

I have two desktops, the afore mentioned 2011 Mac Mini, and the afore mentioned and inherited HP Win 7 box, which is actually one of their consumer grade models, but its held up. 3 laptops, an HP with Win 7 that I was given when I retired, an old (!!) Toshiba that I installed Win 10 on, and some other pile of crap that's even older than the Toshiba that I have Linux installed on. I take the HP when I travel, otherwise it doesn't see much use these days.

I'm not gonna blame anybody for picking Apple or Microsoft - you gotta pick your poison. I'm equally annoyed with both of them, although I find Windows to be a bit easier to use overall. But Apple has the HUGE advantage of the Unix under structure - I have to have Unix/Linux on my main machine. I have procmail filters that are over 20 years old and use the Unix command line frequently. Windows PowerShell is catching up - finally. They should have had that 20+ years ago!
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don't fret @Zorba , if you're denied the latest Apple Watch just grab you a fresh pair of Ray-ban 'Meta Wayfarer' sunglasses to make all your calls and stay connected to all your social media apps right from your own face

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