Bump stop confusion


Aug 1, 2021

So’ I’m confused. Because I was told to take my bump stop rubber piece out and measure between the cup and the landing and my distance was 3” when the shock maxed out. When I put the jounce stop back in and max compress it, it max compress and about an inch of it is left over, should I include that in my 3 inches? So I’d need 2 inches of extension? Or do I not account for the jounce bump stop? I’ve been reading both online and idk what to do
The instructions to remove the rubber piece are for the factory style. Not sure what you've got there, but not factory.

The factory style ones will compress to essentially zero" under real use, so it's easier to remove them, get them out of the way, do your setup, and reinstall.
Those are Metalcloak jounce bumpers. They will compress and still have 3/4” showing below the cup. The factory jounce will essentially squish to the cup…