DIY tailgate reinforcement solution


Jun 29, 2021
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Hello all,

I currently have a swing-out tire carrier on the Jeep which I'm not a huge fan of. What I would prefer is a single action option to gain access to the rear compartment that wouldn't sag the tailgate off it's hinges.

I have seen kits for this purpose but due to our currency massively depreciating this year against the dollar and the actual kit being too heavy to be economical to ship over, I'm compelled to look for a DIY solution.

Unfortunately, I was not able to find enough resources for me to approach this project confidently. I was hoping some of you can give some pointers for me to focus on. Here are some of the concerns that I have

For context, I currently have a 35" mounted but I'd prefer to over-engineer the hinge/gate to be able to take a bigger tire.

1. I'm thinking of either square tubing or steel sheets that I can have machine bent to shape. What thickness should be best for the material?
2. Is there a some sort of 'heavy duty' hinge I can use to replace the actual OEM hinge
3. Should there be some sort of reinforcement on the inside of the cab, tied to the roll cage? (sandwiching the body panel between the inside reinforcement and outside hinge system)
4. I'm thinking of adding a small 'step' on the bumper for the tire to sit on. necessary?
5. Rubber pucks to be mounted on the tailgate to stop the tire from wobbling/shaking
6. I will repurpose the mounting surface and bracket from my current swing out
6. Anything else to watch out for?
Hey there. With a 35 and a steel wheel that be pushing the hinge to the limit. I have ripped upper hinge off the tub before with the same setup of 35 on steel wheel. I was 4wheeling and bouncing around. Was never any issue just running down the road. The metal that the hinge is mounted to on the tub is pretty thin. I would think if you did build some type of platform for the tire to sit on that be a good solution. After i cracked my upper i built a set of Crusher corners and never had any issues after that. Only issue had to work around was shimming the tailgate mount arms so i could run the metal under the tub side of the bracket. I also prefer to be able to just pop the rear door right open. Most of the ones i have seen for sale are cut out around the hinges but extreme terrain has a set for 400 bucks that looks solid not sure on shipping. The ones i built where 5/32. going need a 6in or so piece of pipe and cheap hydro press to get them bent. then its just cutting the design and drilling holes. That is best option i have found.

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Pretty sure morryde sells the hinges without the whole kit, so maybe you could just use them for the hinges and do your own reinforcement.

I have their does tie in to the passenger roll bar so the back of the tub is sandwiched. The rest is pretty simple, just a plate with the edges folded out and drilled and cut to clear everything.
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Do you mean to say that only this 'step' for the tyre to sit on is all that is required? No hinge reinforcement?

Yes. Take the weight off the hinges and make sure the rubber bumpers are touching the back of the tire. That Jeep had a 35" spare on it for 8 years and my current Jeep has a similar setup for the past 5 years. My tailgate hinges still work perfectly.
rubi spare bumper (2017_11_20 00_38_12 UTC).jpg
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I had to Google that. I thought your spare tire was making you constipated. ;)


  1. feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected:
    "I always welcomed clover, much to the consternation of the neighbors"

I used a couple $5 words in my post.
Your parking pad looks killer.

Do ya’ll have any camels in your country? If you do are they one hump or two?

You will have to excuse @AndyG he is as giddy as a senior on prom night, he is going to the Smokey Mountain Jeep Invasion today, and probably can't stop thinking about all the ducks he is going to see!!!!!!
  • Haha
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