EV thread

That trailer is really cool and the lowering mechanism is worth a look.

Yea, the 20' "Pro Sport" model is just what I've been looking for, but for $17,000 + tax and fees :oops: , I think I could just bag a regular flat deck and be happy.


I remember people said the same about electronic fuel injection. I imagine people said the same when the auto passed their horse too.

EFI has its uses and advantages, although I still prefer a fully mechanical system. The utter bullshit on today's cars has little to no excuse to exist - and Teslas have more than most.
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EFI has its uses and advantages, although I still prefer a fully mechanical system. The utter bullshit on today's cars has little to no excuse to exist - and Teslas have more than most.

You gotta define bullshit. I rode back from town today in a nice quiet car with a ventilated seat with built in massage.
I'm here to tell you, nice cool balls while you get a massage is NOT bullshit sir!
I rode back from town today in a nice quiet car with a ventilated seat with built in massage.

the infotainment system

Sorry, but all I see is reasons why people (notice I didn't say "drivers") either don't pay attention or fall asleep behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. I'm not saying the vehicle shouldn't be comfortable, but distracting and insulating the operator from what's going on outside the vehicle's passenger compartment might just go a log way in explaining why driving the highways and byways of this nation have become such a royal pain in the ass.
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Sorry, but all I see is reasons why people (notice I didn't say "drivers") either don't pay attention or fall asleep behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. I'm not saying the vehicle shouldn't be comfortable, but distracting and insulating the operator from what's going on outside the vehicle's passenger compartment might just go a log way in explaining why driving the highways and byways of this nation have become such a royal pain in the ass.

Sounds like an excuse for the stupid drivers out there that never really learned to drive and grew up in a participation trophy world being told their shit don’t stink.
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Sorry, but all I see is reasons why people (notice I didn't say "drivers") either don't pay attention or fall asleep behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. I'm not saying the vehicle shouldn't be comfortable, but distracting and insulating the operator from what's going on outside the vehicle's passenger compartment might just go a log way in explaining why driving the highways and byways of this nation have become such a royal pain in the ass.
To be fair here, I was the passenger. But a cool ball massage is nice as a driver too. Wife's car, wife drives unless she's been drinking.
As far as egregious tech proliferation-If you're suffering under the illusion that people who go through life with their head in their ass will somehow shoehorn it out and pay attention to the job at hand minus creature comforts, you might want to pull that thread. A dumbass is gonna dumbass no matter the situation.
Technology though, does things like-automagically slam on their brakes before they slam into my kids car because they were distracted when it was their turn to do a bong hit (the dumbass, not my kid), deploy side curtain airbags in my kids car when the bonghit dumbass slams into them (at a greatly reduced speed, thanks to technology), alert me that my kids car was in an accident, allow me to pinpoint their location and dispatch emergency help, contact them to check on them, prove in court that bonghit dumbass was indeed at fault because the last 5 minutes of his driving is recorded...Might not stop all accidents, but it sure does lessen the severity of most of them.
Getting bonghit dumbass off the roads is a different problem set entirely.
Y'all drive around in your 1903 Model A if you want. I love my TJ for fun driving, I abhore the pervasive monitoring in every part of life, but technology isn't at fault, it's just misused by many/most.
I haven't set the timing, points or fuel mix in my TJ...ever. because it doesn't need it. I don't miss the requirement to do that stuff every 3 months.
I enjoy a nice cool ball massage on the ride home.
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Sorry, but all I see is reasons why people (notice I didn't say "drivers") either don't pay attention or fall asleep behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. I'm not saying the vehicle shouldn't be comfortable, but distracting and insulating the operator from what's going on outside the vehicle's passenger compartment might just go a log way in explaining why driving the highways and byways of this nation have become such a royal pain in the ass.

so last weekend at my son's wedding my buddy was knocking back the mixed drinks, we had maybe 25 rooms at the local hotel blocked out for guests but I didn't know who was in most of them so I asked him if he had a room given the boozing clip he was on, he said nah I'm heading home tonight but I'm not worried, I have a free trial period of auto-pilit on my Tesla so I'll let it do the driving :oops:, I haven't heard from him since but I also haven't heard of any tragedies so I'm assuming it all went to plan.

I've got some doubts about that whole thing, if that is indeed the future. Can you imagine the catastrophes that will occur when there's a 'glitch' in (or hack of) the system & there are nothing but useless boneheads that have no driving skills behind all the wheels?
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never really learned to drive

I'm not convinced we actually teach people how to drive anymore.

To be fair here....

See above, that should cover most if not all of your points. I'm not giving you shit but...

Based on your diatribe, I'm amazed you've managed to live to the age of 54. Surely you should have been killed in a car accident long ago given none of them had any of these "driver aids" you preach about, not until you were at least 21. Hell, many vehicles didn't even have ABS at that time. I now this because I'm the same age as you. How did we manage to survive? Maybe because more people were better trained drivers and/or weren't as distracted?

I'm not suggesting some of these systems don't help save lives (though the numbers don't necessarily indicate a direct correlation), but when we introduce systems that essentially attempt to compensate for poor driver knowledge and ability and serve as potential distractions to the act of driving, I'll take issue every time....because you're still putting the life and livelihood of myself and my loved ones at risk if we're driving the same roads. You don't need a car that brakes for you, indicates when someone is on your left or right, calls for help, etc., etc., what you need to do is know how to handle your vehicle and pay attention to what's going on in front of, to either side and behind your vehicle at all times. If you can't do that, do everyone else a favor and take a cab or public transportation.

Me, I'd rather do the driving, know my vehicle and how to work on/repair it as well...and whether you do that yourself or not, there's something to be said for being able to do so. I don't need a self driving vehicle, one that brakes for me, one that has an audio system that's powerful enough to loosen fastener on the vehicle (and make my ears bleed), allows the viewing of movies, parks for me or massages and cools my balls.

Note that I didn't mention things like EFI, ABS and SRS. GPS is pretty damn handy (though I don't want it built into my vehicle), but knowing how to navigate with a map is still a good skill to have as a backup. Cell phone in a car? Sure, just do so with a hand's free system and don't forget your primary task is driving. No one's talking about 1903 Fords here and I don't recall ever having to adjust my timing, points or carburetor on any vehicle I've owned more than once unless I was replacing parts. If you had to do it every three months, maybe you didn't do it correctly the first time.
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Lol. Ok boomer.
Note, nowhere in my 'diatribe' did I say any of the tech should replace good driving habits. Just that a lot of it makes things easier, safer and more comfortable.
Much of it is additive to safety. I still hate that many/most will let it replace good habits and skill.
I am 100% in agreement that we make driving too easy to the masses AND we allow tech to make up for skill. We really should have a graduated license structure similar to Germany's.
I'm also not gonna PAY for most of that stuff for myself because it's not worth it to me.
Only thing I really take issue with is someone trying to keep me from getting all the bells n whistles on my wife or kid's cars AFTER I teach em to drive in a '70 F100 with a 3 on the tree and absoltely no bells or whistles.
Have a good day brother, I think we're in violent agreement here.
Soooooo, back to EVs.
Let's say somebody was gonna GIVE YOU ONE, it has to be used and under $30K-
It can be any EV under $30K buthas to be 100% electric and you're required to use it for all trips under 100 miles for the next year.
What would you get? Bonus points for why.