EV thread

I've noticed a transition to electric bicycles and scooters amongst the very young kid population over the course of about the last year-ish. They've been around for a while scattered here & there, but now what I see when I'm out & about in the neighborhood are fleets of little dudes ALL on some sort of battery powered wheeled transport device, mostly scooters, buzzing around like gnats. What I've also noticed is that they've mastered the ability to drive these things with their elbows so they can hold their smart phones up at eye level & do God knows what while they're buzzing down the road at 20mph.

I'm not sure which part of this is scarier, the fact that they've managed to make playing outside completely sedentary, effortlessly moving about with no physical exertion, basically they're couch potatoes in motion, or, the fact that they can't seem to take their eyes off their devices long enough to assure they don't drive directly into traffic or down an open manhole.

This isn't going to help the childhood obesity or social atrophy epidemics
lol ok point is that .00316547 = 0.31657%

Stop , Think ! .00316547 does not = 0.31657 ! 0.31657 % is almost 1/3 of the 139000 meters or 44,003.23 meters !
The two zeros after the decimal point are huge ! It makes the difference between 44,003.23 meters or 440 meters.
Grab your smartphone and do both equations , ( just don't let Zorba see you do it ) , or grab a old school calculator and run the numbers for yourself.
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Stop , Think ! .00316547 does not = 0.31657 ! 0.31657 % is almost 1/3 of the 139000 meters or 44,003.23 meters !
The two zeros after the decimal point are huge ! It makes the difference between 44,003.23 meters or 440 meters.
Grab your smartphone and do both equations , ( just don't let Zorba see you do it ) , or grab a old school calculator and run the numbers for yourself.

I can't tell if you're serious.
1 is 100%
.3 is 30%
.03 is 3%
.003 is .3%
I can't tell if you're serious.
1 is 100%
.3 is 30%
.03 is 3%
.003 is .3%

Look at your 3rd line , then look at your 5th line. See anything wrong ? Grab a calculator run the numbers for yourself PLEASE . report back . That is all .
No I don't see anything wrong. Care to point it out?

.003 and .3 are absolutely not the same.
For the 3rd time , PLEASE pickup a calculator and punch in these numbers and prove this to yourself.

139,000 X .3 You will see the answer is 41,700

Clear your calculator then punch in this.

139,000 X .003 You will see the answer is 417

Now if you can go back to @BlueC original EV post and run the numbers you will find 440 EV meters divided by 139,000 total meters in the local grid system is
.00316547% of the total meters.

If you take your number of 0.31657 and multiple it by the total number of meters ,( 139,000 ) you will get the answer of 44,003.23 EV meters.

You do you secretly work for Biden's Dept. of Energy , promoting how widespread EV's are in society at large ? :p

My personal opinion is that EV's are not the correct answer and will likely become an issue for us later on. One thing that is often missed with the "I'm doing good by the environment with my EV" crowd has to do with production....and that really applies to any new car. Studies have been done showing it is more economical and better for the environment to use and keep an older vehicle in good operating condition than it is to buy a new vehicle every 3-5 years, regardless of vehicle type. Producing new vehicles generates a lot of waste, this is compounded with EV's as the mining operations and battery manufacturing are very filthy operations. This tends to offset any gain from lower emissions....but something the end user is typically oblivious to. As well, you still need to charge them and that power comes from the plug. Our power grid infrastructure is dated and already strained, and much of that electrical power is still produced via fossil fuels. Just this past summer EV owners in California were asked not to charge and use their cars. EV's also weigh quite a bit more relative to other vehicles of similar size, thus they do more damage to the roadways...but don't pay for it in reg fees. Plus, really easy to shut off an EV, for those of you who like conspiracy theories...great way to control movement of the population when everyone is forced to drive one.... ;)

Food for thought.

@CreepinDeth maybe these will suit you better...


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.003 and .3 are absolutely not the same.
For the 3rd time , PLEASE pickup a calculator and punch in these numbers and prove this to yourself.

That's not at all what he's saying. Percent is not an optional, meaningless tag, it means "per cent", as in per hundred, as in

0.3 per 100 = 0.3/100 = .003

139,000 X .3 You will see the answer is 41,700

Clear your calculator then punch in this.

139,000 X .003 You will see the answer is 417

Now if you can go back to @BlueC original EV post and run the numbers you will find 440 EV meters divided by 139,000 total meters in the local grid system is
.00316547% of the total meters.

No, 440/139000=0.00316547, which is NOT the same as 0.00317547%. scaled to a per 100 basis is 0.3%.

If you take your number of 0.31657 and multiple it by the total number of meters ,( 139,000 ) you will get the answer of 44,003.23 EV meters.

You wouldn't multiply by the percentage to get a total number, you would multiply by the percentage divided by 100, because percentage is the proportion expressed per 100.
For all the talk about EVs and their effect on the grid, I'm amazed what doesn't get discussed is all the major corporations also being forced into "electrification" in their facilities. The major grocer and retailer my company builds stuff for is preparing to rip out every piece of fossil fueled equipment in their 5000+ stores to go all electric. Bakery ovens, pan washers, unit heaters in the grocery cart atrium and receiving docks. They're saving some by using waste heat from the refrigeration system to provide space heat to the store but they're still looking at over 900A (at 480V) just in water heaters and having to upgrade the store electrical service by 30%.

NYC already has ordinances in place within the past 5 years requiring electrification. We designed a modular heat pump product specifically for that market, and more cities will follow suit.

Just piling loads onto the grid as if it's unlimited. I guess thats how they treat money so we shouldn't be surprised.
For all the talk about EVs and their effect on the grid, I'm amazed what doesn't get discussed is all the major corporations also being forced into "electrification" in their facilities. The major grocer and retailer my company builds stuff for is preparing to rip out every piece of fossil fueled equipment in their 5000+ stores to go all electric. Bakery ovens, pan washers, unit heaters in the grocery cart atrium and receiving docks. They're saving some by using waste heat from the refrigeration system to provide space heat to the store but they're still looking at over 900A (at 480V) just in water heaters and having to upgrade the store electrical service by 30%.

Just piling loads onto the grid as if it's unlimited. I guess thats how they treat money so we shouldn't be surprised.

Don't even get me started on carbon offsetting...such a sham, but one that is promoted and accepted.