What in the elf did you put into the AI generator?.
He thought he was searching porn hub
What in the elf did you put into the AI generator?.
He thought he was searching porn hub
I thought it was @AndyG
I thought it was @AndyG
Oh I’ve already been flagged.
Boy, hee hee, someone would have to be stupid as all get out to let a wheel fall off. I mean a real moron, I’m talkin’ stup……..uh, well, nevermind.
On another note, what is that weird gizmo on the back… on the top of the hardtop?
I've done a lot of dumb things AndyG.arguably worse than loose lugnuts. Thankfully I'm still alive(?),and the people around me. Like letting my sister use a radial saw i had removed the guard from,that almost cost her some fingers...