Military Memes

It's gotten harder and harder for me to recommend joining to young people. I was a pusher for recruitment most of my life.

I had 23 years total, firmly believed everyone should have to do 2 years straight out of high school. Plenty of non-combat MOS's for people with belief systems contrary to violence.

Now I have questions in my mind on how misguided I was, blinded by patriotism maybe. I understood no nation is perfect, but really believed we held the moral high ground. As I've gotten older (almost 60 now) I see things that make me go WTF?. And now PVT Snuffy will be fed non-meat as meat in the mess hall (DFAC - whatever) and not have options? And my tax dollars will be paying for it?

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It's gotten harder and harder for me to recommend joining to young people. I was a pusher for recruitment most of my life.

I had 23 years total, firmly believed everyone should have to do 2 years straight out of high school. Plenty of non-combat MOS's for people with belief systems contrary to violence.

Now I have questions in my mind on how misguided I was, blinded by patriotism maybe. I understood no nation is perfect, but really believed we held the moral high ground. As I've gotten older (almost 60 now) I see things that make me go WTF?. And now PVT Snuffy will be fed non-meat as meat in the mess hall (DFAC - whatever) and not have options? And my tax dollars will be paying for it?


Brother, I'm EXACTLY where you are. Had two daughters go in-one Navy and the retarded one in the Marines.
I don't recommend it anymore.
Too woke, to much BS and not nearly enough fun.
I still work on a Navy base, I talk to the kids we get in the lab, what the leadership is doing to these kids is fuckin criminal.
The Covid deployments were straight up barbaric. 13 months all at sea with two beer on the pier stops. So, 4 beers in 13 months.
They work 84 hours a week out at sea.
Sorry fellas- heres your two beers.
Then in homeport, they had some 2nd fleet POS direct all ships to put breathalyzers on the quarterdeck and refer anyone that was over to the drug and alcohol program.
He really really needs and ass whipping.
I AM grateful that I saw the world before the assholes ruined everything.
It's gotten harder and harder for me to recommend joining to young people. I was a pusher for recruitment most of my life.

I had 23 years total, firmly believed everyone should have to do 2 years straight out of high school. Plenty of non-combat MOS's for people with belief systems contrary to violence.

Now I have questions in my mind on how misguided I was, blinded by patriotism maybe. I understood no nation is perfect, but really believed we held the moral high ground. As I've gotten older (almost 60 now) I see things that make me go WTF?. And now PVT Snuffy will be fed non-meat as meat in the mess hall (DFAC - whatever) and not have options? And my tax dollars will be paying for it?


I was the same way and felt the same about everyone. Even those with disabilities could serve in one way or another.

I've still got friends in military and listening to them telling me some of the things happening now just makes me sick. I'm glad I served in the late 70's, 80's & 90's. I did a total of 28 years with half active duty Army & the other half in the National Guard. I'd have been busted back to a private if I was still in.

I don't recommend to any young people to join anymore. It's a FUCKING shame too.
Lookie here

Nah, I played Army too. Even deployed with them, they're solid folks...but let's be honest here, any of those places I named beats what was going on in Falujah in '04- 1 out of 10, do not recommend!

You can end up in some pretty interesting places in the Army too.. And I was in Iraq in 04...
You don't join the Army or Marines if you aren't prepared to deal with things like Falujah.
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