Most stupid shows on TV?


Staff Member
Ride of the Month Winner
Sep 28, 2015
Gillette, WY
Okay guys and gals, I thought this would make for a good off-topic discussion. Let's hear what you believe to be the most stupid shows on TV these days.
Oh... I've got one.

The View

When I'm at the gym running on the treadmill sometimes people have it turned on so it's in my face. I have to say, this has got to be one of the most pointless, stupid, nonsense shows out there. Why does anyone care about the opinions of these people? And how is anything that anyone says on Twitter considered "news"?

The fact that people even tune into this garbage tells me how stupid society has become.
Fuller house...daughter was watching it and it brought back how much I hated the original

I keep hearing people say that, that it's a horrible "reboot". So it's not just you who shares that opinion! I never watched the original and I certainly won't be watching this one.
That show would make me double-time my pace just to get the hell outta there.

It’s funny to watch the people who actually watch it. Mostly older women or 30 something Mom’s.

It’s just stupid. It’s nothing more than opinions from people who don’t even matter. I’ve noticed they constantly use Twitter as a source of news. I’m sorry, but something that whiney cry babies Tweet on Twitter is NOT news.
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How bout "MTV's Floribama Shore". It's like a Gen 2 Jersey Shore but somehow even more trashy.

I didn’t even know this was a thing. Just looked it up on YouTube. I’m shocked that people actually watch this sort of TV. Are there really that many idiots in the world?
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That's about when I stopped, After season 3 it really died.

I thought so too. It was just more of the same, no major plot to follow other than who gets killed next and who can survive the longest. Would have been nice if there was an overarching story line like where the zombie outbreak came from, what started it, a potential cure, or maybe some nerdy pseudo science.